Houthis say they've attacked US aircraft carrier in response to US-UK Yemen strikes

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Yemen's Houthis launched a missile attack on the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, an aircraft carrier located in the Red Sea, in response to US and British strikes on Yemen, a military spokesperson said


ByJoe SmithNews Reporter
12:08, 31 May 2024 upxeD12:47, 31 MAY 2024
Houthi fighters claim they have launched an attack on a US aircraft carrier in response to British and American strikes on military bases.


The militants claimed to have attacked the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower in the Red Sea following US strikes on targets inside Yemen. The Houthis said they carried out an attack on the massive US vessel in response to strikes on Thursday on Houthi targets in Yemen by the Britain and US.


Yahya Saree, the Houthis military spokesman, claimed that 16 people have been killed and 41 others, including civilians, have been injured in the strikes, carried out by the UK and US in order to try and curb attacks on commercial shipping.

胡塞武裝發(fā)言人葉海亞·薩里(Yahya Saree)聲稱,在英國和美國為遏制對商業(yè)航運的攻擊而進行的襲擊中,已有16人喪生,另有41人受傷,其中包括平民。

Two locations near Hudaydah have been confirmed by intelligence as being involved in the anti-shipping attacks in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) said. Buildings in the area have been identified as ground control facilities for drones and storage for long-range drones.


Houthi fighters at a graduation ceremony for cadets who have completed military training in Sana'a, Yemen ( Image: Anadolu via Getty Images)


Another facility at Ghulayfiqah, further south on the Yemeni coast, have also been lixed to the Houthi attacks on shipping in the region. The MoD said strikes have been carried out on a wide range of targets in Yemen, using American and British fighter jets and US ships.


Typhoon FGR4 fighters from the Royal Air Force hit buildings at the three locations, using Paveway IV guided bombs, the ministry said. Prime minister Rishi Sunak said last night’s strikes were conducted “to further degrade the military capabilities of the Houthis and to prevent further attacks on international shipping”.

該部表示,來自皇家空軍的臺風FGR4戰(zhàn)斗機使用Paveway IV制導炸彈擊中了這三個地點的建筑物。英國首相里希·蘇納克(Rishi Sunak)表示,昨晚的襲擊是為了“進一步削弱胡塞武裝的軍事能力,并防止對國際航運的進一步攻擊”。

“The strikes were taken in self-defence in the face of an ongoing threat that the Houthis pose,” he added. Houthi fighters have attacked ships passing through the area more than 50 times since November, after they began targeting ships in solidarity with Hamas, according to the US Maritime Administration.


They claim to have launched a missile attack on the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower ( Image: US Department of Defense/AFP via)


The Houthis released images on Wednesday which they claim showed a US MQ-9 Reaper drone being downed by a surface-to-air missile in Yemen’s central Marib province. The images appear to show the MQ-9 with the aircraft's tail section broken off.


However, there was no clear blast damage to the downed drone and it seemed broadly intact. One of the images released bore Wednesday’s date.


A US defence official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters, told the Associated Press that “the US Air Force has not lost any aircraft operating within US Central Command’s area of responsibility.” The CIA is also believed to have been operating reaper drones in the area - the agency declined to comment when approached by AP.

一位不愿透露姓名的美國國防官員在討論情報問題時告訴美聯(lián)社,“美國空軍沒有損失任何在美國中央司令部責任區(qū)內(nèi)作戰(zhàn)的飛機。據(jù)信,中央情報局也一直在該地區(qū)操作收割者無人機 - 該機構(gòu)當美聯(lián)社聯(lián)系時拒絕發(fā)表評論。