The Migration State
I have previously written on Britain’s demographic transformation through mass-immigration. I won’t restate the analysis presented there, but in this context it is worth discussing how Britain’s transformation into a migration state went hand in hand with its embrace of neoliberalism.


The left in Britain, as in the rest of Europe, has been keen to present a narrative of Britain as a historically multicultural country. At the same time, the Dissident Right , in its focus on the radical changes affecting Europe after the Second World War sometimes miss just how recent the radical demographic changes of European nations are. The 1980’s …

英國的左派和歐洲其他國家的左派一樣,一直熱衷于將英國描繪成一個具有多元文化歷史的國家。與此同時,持不同政見的右派關(guān)注的是二戰(zhàn)后影響歐洲的根本性變化,有時卻忽視了歐洲國家人口結(jié)構(gòu)的巨大變化是最近才發(fā)生的。20 世紀(jì) 80 年代……

Net-immigration to the UK exploded under the New Labour government after 1997, and continued with successive Conservative governments since the 2010s, now at a historic high. This was largely ideologically driven, as former Labour advisor Andrew Neather admitted his party wanted to rub the right’s nose in diversity, and “make the UK truly multicultural.”

工黨執(zhí)政后,英國凈移民數(shù)量激增,2010 年代以來,保守黨執(zhí)政后,凈移民數(shù)量持續(xù)增長,目前已達到歷史最高水平。這在很大程度上是意識形態(tài)驅(qū)動的,前工黨顧問安德魯·尼瑟承認(rèn),他的政黨希望讓右翼人士看到多樣性,并“讓英國真正成為多元文化國家”。
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

But New Labour’s embrace of neoliberal economic prescxtions also drove this new approach to immigration, as Labour shifted from its traditional Keynesian economic approach to prioritise labour market flexibility and counter-inflation. Labour representatives spoke of the mass-migration of people as a necessary part of living in a global, financialised economy, comparing it to the free movement of capital. A special advisor to the party reflected on the change in immigration policy as coming from

但新工黨對新自由主義經(jīng)濟政策的接受也推動了這種新的移民政策,因為工黨從傳統(tǒng)的凱恩斯主義經(jīng)濟政策轉(zhuǎn)向優(yōu)先考慮 勞動力市場的靈活性和反通脹。工黨代表稱,大規(guī)模移民是生活在全球化、金融化經(jīng)濟中的必要組成部分,并將其與資本的自由流動進行比較。工黨的一位特別顧問認(rèn)為,移民政策的變化源于:

the reorientation on economic policy of the centre left—away from Keynesian demand management towards a more explicit embrace of globalisation—lent itself more firmly towards embracing immigration too. The emphasis on skills and education and openness to global markets meant that you had people more open to arguments about migration being an important component of a successful economy.


What began as New Labour policy has become cross-party consensus in Britain. Net migration was 685,000 in 2022. While a major motivation for many who voted to leave the European unx was an opposition to mass-immigration, the Tories have responded by increasing immigration. In fact, the main result of Brexit on immigration has been to simply swap EU migrants with even more culturally incompatible non-EU migrants.

最初是新工黨的政策,如今已成為英國各黨派的共識。2022 年凈移民人數(shù)為 685,000 人。雖然許多投票支持脫歐的人的主要動機是反對大規(guī)模移民,但保守黨卻通過增加移民來應(yīng)對。事實上,英國脫歐對移民的主要影響只是將歐盟移民換成文化上更加不相容的非歐盟移民。

It seems that, after decades of betrayal, voters concerned about immigration are at last willing to abandon the Conservative Party in droves. Though at this point, the change to British demographics has been enormous. The 2021 census of England and Wales showed that 10 million people, or one-sixth of the population, were born outside the United Kingdom.

看來,在經(jīng)歷了數(shù)十年的背叛之后,擔(dān)心移民問題的選民終于愿意大批拋棄保守黨。不過,目前英國人口結(jié)構(gòu)的變化已經(jīng)非常巨大。2021 年英格蘭和威爾士人口普查顯示,有 1000 萬人(占總?cè)丝诘牧种唬┏錾谟酝狻?/b>

In 2010, the demographer David Coleman produced an analysis which forecast White Britons becoming a minority by 2066. Since immigration has expanded greatly since then, this figure can likely be revised forward. Minority status is already a daily reality for many White Britons, who are now a minority in major cities like Manchester, Birmingham, Leicester, and London — where two thirds of the capital’s residents are ethnic minorities.

2010 年,人口統(tǒng)計學(xué)家戴維·科爾曼 (David Coleman) 發(fā)表了一項分析,預(yù)測到 2066 年,白人英國人將成為少數(shù)族裔。由于自那時以來移民人數(shù)大幅增加,這一數(shù)字可能會被進一步修正。少數(shù)族裔身份已成為許多白人英國人的日?,F(xiàn)實,他們現(xiàn)在在曼徹斯特、伯明翰、萊斯特和倫敦等大城市成為少數(shù)族裔——首都三分之二的居民都是少數(shù)族裔。

Another defining feature of the postnational British state is anarcho-tyranny, the increasing breakdown of the state’s capability to maintain law and order and its failure to prosecute the most basic crimes, combined with the increasingly tyrannical policing of civil society and suppression of liberties once taken for granted.


British police are now more incompetent than they have ever been: an investigation into their ability to investigate crime found that more than half the forces studied failed to meet basic standards. Not one of the 43 constabularies studied made the top category of “outstanding”. Most Britons no longer expect the police to investigate crimes like mugging or bike theft, and many no longer bother reporting these types of crimes. This is a correct assumption: between 2015 and 2023 in England and Wales the percentage of crime resulting in the offender being caught by the police and taken to court fell from 16% to 5.7%. Police now solve fewer than 3% of burglaries. Most criminals have little chance of ever facing punishment in the UK.

英國警察現(xiàn)在比以往任何時候都更無能:一項針對其調(diào)查犯罪能力的調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn),超過一半的警察隊伍未能達到基本標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。在調(diào)查的 43 個警察局中,沒有一個進入“杰出”的最高類別。大多數(shù)英國人不再指望警方調(diào)查搶劫或自行車盜竊等犯罪,許多人也不再費心舉報這些類型的犯罪。這是一個正確的假設(shè):在 2015 年至 2023 年期間,在英格蘭和威爾士,導(dǎo)致犯罪者被警方抓獲并送上法庭的犯罪比例從 16% 下降到 5.7%。警方現(xiàn)在破獲的入室盜竊案件不到 3%。大多數(shù)罪犯在英國幾乎沒有機會受到懲罰。

In contrast, the state has proven absolutely committed to policing the speech of White Britons, especially if it concerns criticism of multiracial liberal pluralism. A 2017 article in The Telegraph reported that more than 3,300 people were detained and questioned in the previous year over “trolling” on social media and other online forums. Two particularly egregious examples of this kind of policing came in 2018: first, a 19-year-old woman was convicted of sending a “grossly offensive” message after she posted rap lyrics that included the N-word on her Instagram page. Then, the YouTuber Count Dankula was found guilty of a hate crime for posting a video that showed his pug raising its paw in what he called a Nazi salute.

相比之下,政府已證明絕對致力于監(jiān)管英國白人的言論,特別是涉及對多種族自由多元主義的批評?!睹咳针娪崍蟆?2017 年的一篇文章報道稱,去年有 3,300 多人因在社交媒體和其他在線論壇上“惡意攻擊”而被拘留和審問。2018 年發(fā)生了兩起此類監(jiān)管行為特別惡劣的例子:首先,一名 19 歲女子在 Instagram 頁面上發(fā)布了包含 N 字的說唱歌詞后,因發(fā)送“極具冒犯性”的信息而被判有罪。然后,YouTuber Count Dankula因發(fā)布一段視頻而被判犯有仇恨罪,視頻中他的哈巴狗舉起爪子,他稱之為納粹敬禮。

British police also track “non-crime hate incidents”, encouraging the public to report if they take offence to someone’s speech on the basis of their “protected characteristics”. The police are instructed that in the case of these reports “the victim does not have to justify or provide evidence of their belief, and police officers and staff should not directly challenge this perception.” Almost 120,000 of these incidents were recorded in the 5 year period from 2014 to 2019.

英國警方還追蹤“非犯罪仇恨事件”,鼓勵公眾舉報某人的言論是否因其“受保護的特征”而受到冒犯。警方被告知,在此類舉報中,“受害者無需為其信仰辯解或提供證據(jù),警察和工作人員不應(yīng)直接質(zhì)疑這種看法?!?014 年至 2019 年的 5 年期間,記錄了近 12 萬起此類事件。

The greatest tyranny has been reserved for nationalists. This year, Sam Melia, an activist and organiser with Patriotic Alternative, was sentenced to two years in prison for “inciting racial hatred”. Melia had set up a group called the Hundred Handers on Telegram, which posted graphics intended for members to download and print as stickers. The stickers contained messages like “its OK to be white”, “l(fā)ove your nation” and “stop anti-white rape gangs”.

最嚴(yán)重的暴政只適用于民族主義者。今年,愛國替代組織的活動家兼組織者薩姆·梅利亞因“煽動種族仇恨”被判處兩年監(jiān)禁。梅利亞在 Telegram 上建立了一個名為“百手”的群組,該群組發(fā)布圖片,供成員下載并打印為貼紙。這些貼紙上寫著“白人沒問題”、“愛你的國家”和“停止反白人強奸團伙”等信息。

The prosecution used materials found in a search of Melia’s house, such as a book by Oswald Mosley, as “key signs of Melia’s ideology that underpinned his desire to spread his racist views in a deliberate manner.” Thus, Melia’s private reading material was used as evidence that he harboured views the prosecution considered racist.


At the trial itself, the prosecution acknowledged the language on the stickers were lawful, but were produced as a body of work intended to stir up racial hatred. The jury was also instructed to ignore any consideration of whether the statements on the stickers were actually true, as truth is no defence in cases such as this. The jury duly found Melia guilty, after which he was sentenced to two years in prison.


The ideological commitments of the stewards of the British state have not only led them to targeting political dissidents, but also to covering up crime on a massive scale. We now know that British police and state institutions ignored and helped conceal the greatest child sexual abuse scandal in British history, with a series of pedophile “grooming gangs” composed of Asian, mostly Pakistani men ignored for years.


A report into the worst of these, in the town of Rotherham in South Yorkshire, found that 1,400 children had been sexually abused from 1997 to 2013, predominantly by men of Pakistani origin. It revealed that council staff and others knew of the abuse but turned a blind eye to what was happening and refused to identify the perpetrators due to their fear of being branded as racist.

一份針對最嚴(yán)重性侵犯案件的報告顯示,1997 年至 2013 年間,南約克郡羅瑟勒姆鎮(zhèn)有 1,400 名兒童遭受性虐待,施暴者大多是巴基斯坦裔男子。報告顯示,市議會工作人員和其他人員知道這些虐待行為,但對正在發(fā)生的事情視而不見,并拒絕指認(rèn)施暴者,因為他們害怕被貼上種族主義者的標(biāo)簽。

The same conclusion was reached after an 8 year investigation by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, which found that grooming gangs still existed across the country, but investigations into them were still being hampered by authorities’ fears of pursuing so many non-white criminals.

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

The End?
I am publishing this on July 4 2024, the day of a UK general election. By the time you read this, it is likely the Conservative Party will have suffered its worst electoral defeat ever, handing a landslide majority to the Labour party. Decades of betrayal of their patriotic voter base has brought them to a point of absolute fatigue. The Thatcher-Blair-Cameron neoliberal consensus which has governed Britain for almost half a century now has transitioned the country from a proud and cohesive nation into a postnational economic zone, increasingly subservient to American finance capital and in a state of terminal decline.

我發(fā)表這篇文章的時間是 2024 年 7 月 4 日,即英國大選之日。當(dāng)你讀到這篇文章時,保守黨很可能已經(jīng)遭遇了有史以來最慘痛的選舉失敗,將壓倒性多數(shù)拱手讓給了工黨。數(shù)十年來,他們一直背叛愛國選民基礎(chǔ),這讓他們疲憊不堪。撒切爾-布萊爾-卡梅倫的新自由主義共識統(tǒng)治了英國近半個世紀(jì),將英國從一個自豪而有凝聚力的國家轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)橐粋€后民族經(jīng)濟區(qū),越來越屈從于美國金融資本,并處于衰落的末期。

The prospects of reversing these trends is bleak, especially if political power shifts to a political Left equally committed to diversity and the repression of patriotic sentiment. But leaving the Conservative party in the dustbin of history may be a start to what remains of the English, Scottish and Welsh nations reasserting themselves.
