Profile photo for Aya Shawn
Aya Shawn
Different orbits!
Apollo spacecraft:
There are astronauts on board, and the spacecraft must run a life support system.
The Apollo spacecraft has limited electricity, oxygen, food, and water, which cannot withstand long-term consumption, and must complete the mission in the shortest time.
They chose a radical flight route:
They used the most powerful and expensive super rocket in human history, Saturn V
The Apollo spacecraft hardly used the gravitational slingshot effect, and was even reluctant to circle the earth one more time. Instead, it accelerated at full speed. When returning to the earth, they set off from the lunar orbit and directly entered the Earth-Moon transfer orbit. When the spacecraft was captured by the earth, it directly slowed down and landed.
Advantages: simple and direct, saving time
Disadvantages: requires super rockets and large engines, a lot of fuel, high flight control risks, and low safety redundancy.


Chang'e probe:
It is an unmanned spacecraft that does not require any life support system. Solar panels provide it with almost unlimited endurance. It has plenty of time to slowly complete the mission.
They chose an economical and conservative flight route:
They did not even use the full version of the CZ5 rocket, but only a small thrust version to make full use of the gravitational slingshot effect. Whether going to the moon or returning to the earth, they first fly around the planet, using the slingshot effect to accelerate, save fuel to the greatest extent, and adjust the orbit carefully and gradually.
When returning to the earth's orbit, they also slow down four times and gradually adjust the orbital height, repeatedly orbiting the earth, and finally cut into the earth's orbit at a very small angle and return.
Advantages: low cost, no need for particularly large rockets and engines, and no need to consume too much fuel. The orbit can be adjusted multiple times, with low control risk and high safety redundancy.
Disadvantages: slow speed


The rockets used in the two missions have huge differences in size and cost
The Apollo program took place in the 1970s, when the United States and the Soviet unx engaged in a fierce space race. Various plans spared no expense and cost more than $25 billion (equivalent to more than $180 billion today)
China's moon landing plan took place in recent years. Space plans of various countries are very concerned about reducing costs. China's lunar exploration plan has a budget of $200 million.
Different mission demands determine that they choose different plans.

阿波羅計(jì)劃發(fā)生在 20 世紀(jì) 70年代,當(dāng)時美國和蘇聯(lián)展開了激烈的太空競賽。各項(xiàng)計(jì)劃不惜重金,耗資超過250億美元(相當(dāng)于今天的 1800 多億美元)

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