Around 140 people have been injured in the incident in Volgograd Region, according to the railway operator

據(jù)鐵路運(yùn)營(yíng)商稱,約有 140 人在伏爾加格勒地區(qū)的事故中受傷

A passenger train has derailed after colliding with a truck in Russia’s southern Volgograd region, according to statements from authorities and videos from the scene.
The 20-carriage locomotive was en route from the city of Kazan in Russia’s Republic of Tatarstan to Sochi's Adler station when the incident occurred. Nine carriages derailed, Volgograd Region Governor Andrey Bocharov said in a statement. Some 813 passengers were on the train, he added.

根據(jù)當(dāng)局的聲明和現(xiàn)場(chǎng)視頻,一列客運(yùn)列車在俄羅斯南部伏爾加格勒地區(qū)與一輛卡車相撞后脫軌。事發(fā)時(shí),這列由 20 節(jié)車廂組成的機(jī)車正從俄羅斯韃靼斯坦共和國(guó)喀山市駛往索契阿德勒站。伏爾加格勒州州長(zhǎng)安德烈-博恰洛夫(Andrey Bocharov)在一份聲明中說(shuō),9節(jié)車廂脫軌。他補(bǔ)充說(shuō),列車上約有 813 名乘客。

According to official figures, a total of 30 people, including 12 children, have been taken to hospital. Over a hundred others are said to have suffered abrasions and bruises. There have been no reports of any deaths.

根據(jù)官方數(shù)據(jù),共有 30 人被送往醫(yī)院,其中包括 12 名兒童。據(jù)說(shuō)還有 100 多人受到擦傷和瘀傷。目前還沒(méi)有死亡報(bào)告。

The truck driver survived but is reported to have sustained severe injuries to his head and legs.
The driver of the KAMAZ truck “grossly violated” traffic rules and drove onto a railway crossing in front of the approaching train despite a warning signal, Russian Railways claimed.
The train was traveling at 65kph and the driver applied the emergency brake but the collision was unavoidable, the statement added.
A criminal investigation into the incident has been launched.

俄羅斯鐵路公司稱,這輛 KAMAZ 卡車的司機(jī) “嚴(yán)重違反 ”了交通規(guī)則,不顧警告信號(hào)將車開(kāi)到了駛來(lái)的火車前方的鐵路道口。
聲明補(bǔ)充說(shuō),當(dāng)時(shí)火車以 65 公里/小時(shí)的速度行駛,司機(jī)采取了緊急制動(dòng),但碰撞是不可避免的。