@Hu Shi xiong
I think I'm pretty easily triggered by certain behaviours from the start and worked for an Indian company before . It just happened for me to realised Indians have the largest concentration of these behavioural traits..
The previous group with the similar behaviours were Filipinos
I think that's pretty much the roots of anything I felt negative about India . Before that I'm used to seeing things screw up for a variety of reasons . Used to seeing funny stereotypical habits of different nationalities you'll just hand wave away and explain as “that's how it is “ or “that's who they are “
It's unfortunately different when you come into close prolong proximity. And you realised there's a very high chance people from top to bottom share similar outlook on things in the society and it grinds you down having to experience it personally daily .


Indians and Filipinos have this willing acceptance of fellow courtrymen suffering or telling you why they deserve it . Often related to religion .
There's a deliberate self sabotaging thing Indians and Filipinos do at work because they're unhappy . And when they do it they do not think they are at fault which is at odds with the previous blaming of others. Or give you some reason that's plain unacceptable. (And scolding doesn't make things better since it's already your fault when they make a mistake. )
Like say if you notice something gone wrong with the Indian side , maybe received A instead of B and reported it , a response was to send you a video of QC being done which makes absolutely no sense at all because that's a video of how the mistake is happening but where the India side is concerned it's settled because they did QC. You pretty much give up on the Indian side after the second or third time and just watch the mistakes accumulate in a small pile since no one holds anyone accountable.


Having had Japanese and mainland Chinese colleagues before , I supposed their being female probably helped here or the males didn't really exhibit similar noticeable behaviour or they were reminding themselves to be on their best behaviour. When a group of Indian staff were brought in to “inspire “ it didn't help with impressions when a few of them hit on local staff within minutes of contact . It made female staff felt uncomfortable right from the start with their Indian colleagues. No one is ignorant of the rape land jokes or memes of India being the rape capital here , having such experiences with your newly arrived Indian colleagues definitely don't help .


Beyond work , I noticed Indians think it's fun to bargain or push you beyond your limits of comfort zone and then think everything is fine once the deal is concluded . Culturally somewhat incompatible with us , people tend to remember and judge you pretty much forever for transgression here . Your first failed bargaining/negotiations attempts will sour the relationship unless you're some really important guy worth the hassle . Generally a soured deal means you don't ever deal with the same person ever for the rest of your life . unless he's Indian and he'll keep turning up to bargain or negotiate at every chance . You can imagine how we feel seeing someone we hope never to see again turn up month after month .
