Bill L.
I wouldn’t go as far as to say that Western Europe, as a whole, hates Americans. I think a fair portion of the people living in Western European countries dislike the United States and its citizens as a rule, and there are certainly enough people in Europe who hate Americans to make it an actual demographic. Polling is generally middling, and on any given yeah between 40–50% of the people living in Western European nations display an very unfavorable opinion of the United States. There are many reasons, and I can only offer my opinion on a few.

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Western Europeans view the US as “right wing”, whereas they tend to lean towards more socialist governance, or at least more socialist than the US. The average US citizen, even if they don’t necessarily realize it, has more Republican tendencies, as in the style of government-not the political party-than most people in Europe. Individual rights in the US are highly prized and protected, even by those who align with more a more liberal philosophy.


Western Europeans tend to disagree with the US “Bill of Rights”. Things like gun ownership and free speech are much different in Europe than they are in the US. Gun ownership, for example, might be highly regulated or even illegal in some countries in Western Europe. And something such as “hate speech”, while protected by the US First Amendment, is illegal in many Western European nations, and those convicted of using hate speech can be imprisoned.


Many in Western Europe view the US as a Christian country, whereas Christianity and religion in general has largely been abandoned in Europe. A recent PEW poll states that 53% of Americans view religion as an important part of their lives. In Western Europe, the poll indicated that in Italy, 26% of the people living there felt that religion was important to them. The rest of the people of the nations of Western Europe indicated that 20% or below of the population viewed religion favorably.


Many in Western Europe have an unfavorable view of the United States armed forces. While the US military is no longer viewed as favorably as it was in the past by the average American, a career in the military is still considered honorable, on average, by the typical American citizen. In many parts of Europe, the military is viewed less favorably, or more as a necessary evil, than it is as profession. And the American military in particular is not was well regarded by Europeans as it would be by the typical American.


Many in Europe seem to dislike US cultural intrusion, and they feel that the US has too much influence on their own country’s respective cultures. US music, films, television shows, and every day technology have become prent in many areas of Western Europe, and this is not popular with some living in those countries.
