Korean Women Turn to Chinese Internet for Help Amid Deepfake Epidemic

韓國女性在 Deepfake 盛行時期向中國互聯(lián)網(wǎng)尋求幫助
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

A recent string of deepfake crimes has sent shockwaves through South Korean society, leaving many women feeling anxious and fearful. The cases involve the use of artificial intelligence technology to create and distribute fake explicit images and videos, often without the victims' knowledge or consent. According to reports, the perpetrators used social media platforms, including Telegram, to spread the fake content, which included manipulated photos and videos of at least 61 women, including 12 students from Seoul University. The victims' faces were allegedly replaced with those of celebrities or other individuals without their permission.

最近發(fā)生的一系列深度偽造犯罪在韓國社會引起軒然大波,讓許多女性感到焦慮和恐懼。這些案件涉及使用人工智能技術(shù)制作和傳播虛假的露骨圖片和視頻,通常未經(jīng)受害者知情或同意。據(jù)報道,犯罪者使用 Telegram 等社交媒體平臺傳播虛假內(nèi)容,其中包括至少 61 名女性的經(jīng)過篡改的照片和視頻,其中包括 12 名首爾大學(xué)的學(xué)生。據(jù)稱,受害者的臉在未經(jīng)許可的情況下被替換為名人或其他個人的臉。

The cases have sparked widespread outrage and calls for action from the government and law enforcement agencies. President Yoon Suk-yeol has vowed to crack down on deepfake crimes, saying that the use of anonymous malicious deepfake technology is a serious offense. Experts warn that the problem is more widespread than initially thought, with estimates suggesting that up to 220,000 people may have been affected by deepfake crimes. The Korean government has promised to establish a national reporting system and a special investigation unit to tackle the issue.


Women's rights groups and advocacy organizations have also spoken out, condemning the deepfake crimes as a form of digital sex violence. They argue that the cases highlight the need for a more comprehensive approach to addressing the root causes of sex crimes, including societal attitudes towards women and the lack of effective laws and regulations. As the government and law enforcement agencies grapple with the issue, many women in South Korea are taking to social media to share their own experiences and demand action. The hashtag #DigitalSexCrime has been trending on Twitter, with many women sharing their stories and calling for greater support and protection.

女權(quán)團(tuán)體和倡導(dǎo)組織也公開譴責(zé)deepfake犯罪是一種數(shù)字性暴力形式。他們認(rèn)為,這些案件突出表明,需要采取更全面的方法來解決性犯罪的根本原因,包括社會對婦女的態(tài)度和缺乏有效的法律法規(guī)。隨著政府和執(zhí)法機(jī)構(gòu)努力解決這一問題,韓國許多女性開始在社交媒體上分享自己的經(jīng)歷,并要求采取行動。數(shù)字型犯罪 (DigitalSexCrime)的標(biāo)簽已經(jīng)在Twitter上流行起來,許多女性分享了她們的故事,并呼吁更多的支持和保護(hù)。

In a disturbing trend, numerous Korean women have taken to the Chinese internet to seek help and raise awareness about the rampant use of deepfake technology to create and disseminate explicit content without their consent. At least 61 women, including 12 students from Seoul University, have fallen victim to a deepfake scam perpetrated by two individuals, Park and Kang, who used Telegram to share explicit content created using deepfake technology. The case, dubbed the "Seoul University version of Nth Room," has been making headlines in Korea, with many calling for harsher punishments for those involved.


However, the problem goes beyond this one case. Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol has acknowledged that the use of deepfake technology to create explicit content is a growing concern, with many victims being minors. He has called for a thorough investigation and the development of measures to eradicate this form of digital crime. The issue has also sparked a heated debate on social media, with many Korean women sharing their own experiences and calling for greater action to protect victims. Some have even reached out to Chinese netizens for help, highlighting the need for international cooperation to tackle this issue.

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

Korean netizens have expressed their concerns and frustrations on Chinese social media platforms, with @nosunae_520 writing on Weibo: "When the Nth Room case happened in Korea, almost no perpetrators were caught, and no list of perpetrators was released. I'm afraid this case will also quietly pass." Another netizen, @yeon0829, wrote: "The problem of deepfakes in Korea is too serious. I hope the government can take action to protect victims." Eoya, a member of the Seoul-based NGO, Korean Cyber Sexual Violence Response Center, noted that "Digital sex crimes are not just a matter of technology, but also of gender power dynamics. We need to address the structural issues and change societal attitudes to prevent these crimes from happening."


The Korean government has responded to the issue, with the National Assembly's Women and Family Committee announcing plans to hold an emergency meeting in September to discuss solutions. A petition has also been launched on the National Assembly's website, calling for stricter punishments for those involved in digital sex crimes. However, some have questioned the effectiveness of these measures, highlighting the need for a more fundamental shift in societal attitudes towards women and sex.


The recent cases of digital sex crimes, including the "Nth Room" case and the "Deepfake" videos, have highlighted a deeper structural problem that goes beyond individual perpetrators. At the root of these crimes is a societal issue of gender inequality and a lack of women's rights. According to Eoya, the problem is not just about the technology, but about the societal attitudes that allow these crimes to occur. "We need to address the structural issues of gender inequality and sexism in our society, rather than just relying on laws and punishment."

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

Many Korean women are feeling desperate and frustrated, with one woman writing on Chinese social media: "I'm not sure if seeking help from China will do any good, but I'm desperate. What's happening in Korea is really frustrating, and it feels like no one is taking it seriously." Her comments reflect the sense of hopelessness and frustration felt by many Korean women who are seeking justice and support in the face of these crimes.
