Small and micro drones with low cost, quick effect and simple operation are destined to shine in the future era of unmanned warfare and become an indispensable "force multiplier" for the armies of all countries in the world. Among them, the "swarm" tactics composed of multiple suicide drones/cruise missiles that can carry warheads have demonstrated increasingly powerful combat effectiveness in the recent conflicts between India and Afghanistan and Russia and Ukraine. However, the current drone "swarm" tactics still have a big limitation, that is, it is mostly "one person controls one suicide drone/cruise missile", and it is quite inconvenient to launch a large-scale "swarm" offensive by piling up equipment and operators . But now, China has made a breakthrough in this field, and may have finally achieved the goal of "single person implementing "swarm" tactics" in the true sense.

成本低、見效快且操控簡單的小型和微型無人機(jī),注定將在未來的無人戰(zhàn)爭時(shí)代大放異彩,成為世界各國軍隊(duì)都必不可少的「力量倍增器」。 這其中,由多架可攜帶戰(zhàn)斗部的自殺式無人機(jī)/巡導(dǎo)彈所組成的蜂群戰(zhàn)法,已經(jīng)在近年來的亞阿沖突和俄烏沖突中展現(xiàn)出了越來越強(qiáng)大的作戰(zhàn)效能。 只不過,當(dāng)前的無人機(jī)「蜂群」戰(zhàn)法還有一個(gè)很大的局限,那就是多為「1個(gè)人操縱1架自殺式無人機(jī)/巡飛彈」,以堆砌裝備和操作人員數(shù)量的方式,才能發(fā)動一次規(guī)模較大的「蜂群」攻勢,顯得頗為不便。 但如今,國內(nèi)已經(jīng)在此領(lǐng)域取得突破,或終于實(shí)現(xiàn)了真正意義上的「單人實(shí)施蜂群戰(zhàn)法」這一目標(biāo)。
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

A Beijing technology company released a new video, showing the technical achievements of its own research and development and mastery of "ejecting more than 50 suicide drones/cruise missiles at a time and implementing cluster strikes". From the video, it can be seen that a large number of launchers shaped like light small-caliber mortars are placed on the ground. After the suicide drones/cruise missiles are ejected from the launchers, they open their wings in the air and enter the flight state. Obviously, this launcher and launch principle are exactly the same as the US "Switchblade" series of suicide drones/cruise missiles, and should use similar ideas and technologies .

中國北京某科技公司對外發(fā)布了一段最新視頻,展示了自身研發(fā)和掌握的「一次性彈射超50架自殺式無人機(jī)/巡飛彈并實(shí)施集群打擊」的技術(shù)成果。 從視頻中可見,其在地面上安放了大量外形狀似輕型小口徑迫擊炮的發(fā)射裝置,自殺式無人機(jī)/巡導(dǎo)彈從發(fā)射裝置內(nèi)被彈射升空后,于空中張開彈翼并轉(zhuǎn)入飛行狀態(tài)。 很顯然,這種發(fā)射裝置和升空原理與美國的「彈簧刀」系列自殺式無人機(jī)/巡飛彈如出一轍,應(yīng)該是采用了類似的思路和技術(shù)。

After more than 50 suicide drones/cruise missiles were launched, they immediately completed the formation in the air and began to fly towards the target in the form of a formation. It is particularly noteworthy that the display screen of the control system interface shows that these tightly-formed suicide drones/cruise missiles are not in a mess when completing large-angle turns in the air, and there is no risk of collision between two adjacent aircraft. What's more, they can be instantly split into two slightly smaller formations, each heading to two different directions to perform tasks, which means that ground operators are more flexible in terms of target strikes and tactical choices . Not only that, there is only one person who is actually responsible for controlling these suicide drones/cruise missiles. He only needs to enter relevant instructions on the control system, and the suicide drones/cruise missiles in the air can complete the formation conversion and splitting.

數(shù)量超50架的自殺式無人機(jī)/巡導(dǎo)彈升空后,立即在空中完成了編組,并開始以編隊(duì)的形式飛向目標(biāo)。 尤為值得注意的是,操縱系統(tǒng)界面的顯示屏顯示,這些隊(duì)形緊密的自殺式無人機(jī)/巡飛彈在完成空中大角度轉(zhuǎn)彎時(shí)隊(duì)形一點(diǎn)不亂,絲毫沒有鄰近的兩機(jī)出現(xiàn)相撞的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。 更絕的是,它們還可瞬間拆分成兩個(gè)各自規(guī)模略小一些的編隊(duì),分別奔赴兩個(gè)不同方向執(zhí)行任務(wù),這就等于讓地面操作人員在打擊目標(biāo)和戰(zhàn)術(shù)選擇方面更為靈活。 不僅如此,真正負(fù)責(zé)操控這些自殺式無人機(jī)/巡飛彈的人員僅為1名,只需在操縱系統(tǒng)上輸入相關(guān)的指令,空中的自殺式無人機(jī)/巡飛彈即可完成編隊(duì)隊(duì)形轉(zhuǎn)換和拆分。

In this way, in actual combat, the party launching such a "swarm" offensive can attack the opponent in many ways . For example, when the operator is letting the "swarm" approach target A and suddenly receives an order to attack target B in another direction, a part of the force from the "swarm" can be separated to achieve simultaneous attack on multiple targets; when attacking the same target, all suicide drones/cruise missiles in the "swarm" can be sexted to hit it at once, or divided into 2 to 3 waves to attack in turns, and a no-dead-angle siege can be carried out from multiple directions.

如此想來,在實(shí)際作戰(zhàn)中,發(fā)動此類蜂群攻勢的一方完全可以多種方式打擊對手。 如操作人員在讓蜂群接近A目標(biāo)的過程中,突然接到需要打擊其他方向上的B目標(biāo)的指令之時(shí),從蜂群中分出一部分力量實(shí)現(xiàn)對多個(gè)目標(biāo)的同時(shí)打擊; 也能在對同一個(gè)目標(biāo)進(jìn)行打擊時(shí),選擇讓「蜂群」中的所有自殺式無人機(jī)/巡飛彈一股腦地砸下去,或是分成2~3個(gè)波次輪流進(jìn)攻,以及從多個(gè)方向?qū)嵤o死角圍攻。

As for the mode of transportation and launch, the current test seems relatively simple. More than 50 launchers need to be set up one by one on the ground, which seems to be a waste of time. But it doesn't matter. There are basically no technical difficulties in integrating the relevant launchers into land-based vehicles or sea-based ships in a similar style to the launch box of multiple rocket launchers . Under the support of platforms such as high-speed vehicles and speedboats, we can fully realize the "quick release and run after shooting" of drone "swarms", greatly improving the suddenness and flexibility of attacks.

至于說運(yùn)載和發(fā)射方式,當(dāng)下的測試還顯得較為簡單,超50具發(fā)射裝置需要一一架好擺在地面上,顯得有些浪費(fèi)時(shí)間。 但沒關(guān)系,將相關(guān)發(fā)射裝置以近似多管火箭炮發(fā)射箱的樣式整合到陸基車輛或?;炌У绕脚_上,基本沒有任何的技術(shù)難題可言。 在諸如高機(jī)動車和快艇等平臺的承載下,完全可實(shí)現(xiàn)對無人機(jī)蜂群的快速釋放,打完就跑,大大提高襲擊突然性和靈活性。

Imagine a highly mobile crew consisting of two people, one is the driver and the other is the suicide drone/cruise missile operator. When the driver drives the vehicle into the launch position, the operator can release a large number of suicide drones/cruise missiles in just a few minutes, and then the two can move to another position. During the transfer process, the operator can start to form the flight formation, split, plan the flight route, arrange the attack waves, and set the strike targets for the "swarm". It is no exaggeration to say that the effectiveness of a vehicle, two people, and dozens of small suicide drones/cruise missiles in striking the enemy will not be much lower than that of a squad, a platoon, or even a company of combat troops. This is the true meaning of "future-oriented drone "swarm" tactics" .

設(shè)想一下,一個(gè)由雙人組成的高機(jī)動車組,1人為駕駛員,另1人為自殺式無人機(jī)/巡飛彈操作員。 當(dāng)駕駛員將車輛駛?cè)氚l(fā)射陣位后,操作員可在短短幾分鐘內(nèi)放飛大量自殺式無人機(jī)/巡導(dǎo)彈,然后二人即可轉(zhuǎn)移陣地。 在轉(zhuǎn)移過程中,操作員就能開始對蜂群進(jìn)行飛行編隊(duì)組成、拆分、飛行路線規(guī)劃、攻擊波次安排和設(shè)定打擊目標(biāo)等。 不夸張地說,1輛車、2個(gè)人、幾十架小巧的自殺式無人機(jī)/巡飛彈,所能發(fā)揮出的對敵打擊效能恐不會比1個(gè)班、1個(gè)排甚至是1個(gè)連的作戰(zhàn)部隊(duì)低多少,這才是真正意義上的「面向未來的無人機(jī)蜂群戰(zhàn)法」。