For the past few months, Amazon consistently delivering defected items to my place. I ordered smartphone few months back, they kept pushing the date further. Finally they cancelled it. It happened thrice with me. I tried to call the customer care, they assured but nothing happened. Again they cancelled it. For other items, they kept delivering late after 10 PM. I was sick and tired of all this. Ultimately, I realised you have to pay them extra for better services. After becoming their Prime member, their services improved. How many of you agree that this is a scam?

幾個(gè)月前我訂了一部智能手機(jī),他們一直推遲發(fā)貨日期,最后取消了訂單。這種情況我遇到過(guò)三次。我嘗試聯(lián)系客戶服務(wù),他們承諾會(huì)處理,但什么也沒(méi)發(fā)生。結(jié)果他們?cè)俅稳∠擞唵巍?br /> 其他商品也是,經(jīng)常在晚上10點(diǎn)后才送達(dá)。我對(duì)此感到厭煩和疲倦。