Why is Greenland geopolitically important for Trump?

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I think the main reason is because it’s close to Russia and Russia would think twice before doing anything. This is why Russia is against the USA buying in Greenland.
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Greenland, Panama and Canada are at least polite with their FOD responses
As a Canadian citizen I'd be in favour of selling Canada, providing each Canadian
citizen receives $ 10,000.000 MILLION cash.( up front) There would be a few minor
conditions, but not many. Hey, you can't pay the bills with patriotism. I'm in for this.
I wonder how many Canadians would agree with this ?? Total cost $ 400 Trillion.
Most Americans are not aware of the fact that very few merchant marine cargo ships that haul most of our import and export trade into and out of our ports are American flagged vessels. This has to do with unxs, high costs of domestic US labor, and other factors. Most merchant mariners in the world today are from third world countries. The ships are registered in countries like Panama and Liberia that have low registration and licensing fees. So, I'm assuming that when President Trump is talking about Panama "ripping the US off", he's referring to the high canal transit fees being charged by Panama on foreign flagged ships that are carrying inbound or outbound American goods. He may also be referring to the high fees the US Navy is being charged for the transit of US warships.
For four years, our enemies had free rein to act as they pleased. Not anymore. It's time for the entire world to adjust its attitude.
I voted for Trump 3 times. And that was because of his domestic MAGA agenda. I didn't vote for more foreign entanglements. Don't try to mess with any lands,period. President Washington right at the beginnings of our nation warned us against that. He was right then. And it's the right policy today.
How can you buy something when you don't have any money?
Danish person here. There is absolutely 0% chance of Greenland being sold or handed over willingly. We are insanely stubborn when it comes to national heritage.
Colombia was forced to give up Panama by the US, and the deal for the canal was never signed by any of the newly installed Panamanian government. What's next the Cuba or the Philippines?
I'm waiting for one person to explain to me with facts how any of this is going to make the prices of groceries go down???
Remember we bought the US Virgin Islands from Denmark, so acquiring a Danish possession is not out of the question. I do believe that Greenland is an independent nation and uses another name, though.
Don’t underestimate Vivek. He’s a talent too.
For four years our enemies got to do anything they want. Not any longer. Time for the whole world to change their tone.
Newsflash- All American airlines are grounded nationwide -technical problem -obviously no investment in infrastructure and people - plenty money for corporate bonuses
Jimmy Carter should have been charged with Treason for giving away the Panama canal.
According to sources close to the Danish government, Denmark is planning to purchase Florida, California, Texas and New Jersey.
Hopefully he can get a deal done this time. The world will be safer if America owns this important strategic land.
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The water is low? The entire Pacific Ocean is not about to run dry.
It would be a great blessing for Greenland to become a part of The U.S., but it would have to be done ceremoniously.
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So America has rights to take Greenland and the world should keep quiet but when other countries complain about national security its all from ear to ear
Those lawyers are why Trump won big in my opinion. They protected the process. I am extremely grateful for what they did for the integrity of the election
Trump always thinks everybody else is treating him and the US unfairly. If he thinks he can bully Panama, Denmark, Mexico, Canada and others, he’s got another thing coming. Americans are already despised around the world, Trump is not helping their case. Proud and fiercely Canadian. (We will never become the 51st state. The whole idea makes me wanna puke).
Many people don't realize that during the Cold war the US had an AFB in Greenland.Its strategic importance had to do with the fact it put us closer to Soviet unx so early warning and quicker retaliation time for a missile attack.
We were on the verge of building nuke missile storage place there by the time we abandoned it in 1967.
That said,I as a Trump supporter don't like his recent talk of taking over other nations The less foreign involvement the better
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For the same reason, Iceland is, however, they shut down the bases there as far as I remember. We used to live there
From my understanding Greenland has tried to be purchased for a very long time as far back as 1867 so not really sure how well it will go now, not saying it cant be done but will interesting if it does
President Trump is giving the world the gift of leadership, safety & security. Merry Christmas, everyone.
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He can pitch for the purchase of Greenland, but Greenland is semii-autonomous. The government of Greenland and Denmark must agree. Truman wanted to buy Greenland once I believe. There has been and may still be military facilities there.
I assume Denmark secretly would be happy to get rid of Greenland, as it is just a moneypit. But that would require a plebiscite in Greenland, and I'm not sure, if the people of Greenland are ready to give up the social benefits and universal health care Denmark is offering them, But maybe Elon Musk could offer them a million dollar each, then they might vote to join USA. There are less than 60 000 people in Greenland.
Trump must respect the sovereignty of Panama and Greenland Long live the sovereignty of Panama !
Why is Greenland geopolitically important for Denmark?
From Sct. Petersborg the only way Russia can sail out to open waters is through the waters of Denmark. So Russia really want to get control of Denmark, so Denmark want to have alliance with USA against Russia in this water. Greenland is used to make this deal so Denmark need to keep Greenland.
No mention of lowering the deficit? Missed probably one of THE most important things.
Do we have proof Panama is treating the US unfairly? I work in supply chain, and I can tell you that freight rates increased significantly after covid. Rates continue to be higher wether containers arrive through gulf coast or west coast. You know who’s raking in the profits, the cartel comprised of vessel owners. The industry is controlled by three major shipping lines. Not one politician is talking about breaking up those monopolies. And yes, higher freight cost was built into product prices.
Forget about Greenland, taking Panama would reinforce immigration control on top of it's trade benefits. That's an ultimate power move.
Something is wrong with a lot of us not having gifts like that. We have been ripped off our whole life by you politicians and Companies not wanting to pay their employees any money
The National Election Commission had only one professional security manager and one security company. The ruling party lawmaker said election commission employees even used security computers to shop online.Most people doubt them. Park Sung-jae, the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Korea, was impeached by members of the Lee Jae-myung Party. One of the reasons Park Sung-jae was impeached was because he stared at Lee Jae-myung, the leader of the party.
Its the Air Space above Greenland that we want.
Most flights from US/Europe fly across that Air Space, probably one of the highest revenue generating Air Spaces in the world.
How can the Panama Canal be low if seas levels are rising from climate ? SOUNDS LIKE THEY NEED TO DIG IT DEEPER.
Greenland would be a strategically important sit for shielding against missile (hypersonic ) attacks as Is Alaska. It would be a good acquisition. more Importantly i think we need to return to "Manifest Destiny" and incotporate everything down to the panama canal as US territory and then start on S. America as the next phase of growth.
I think the possibility of the United States buying Greenland would be beneficial for both countries.
First, it would be seen as a violation of international law if Denmark, without involving the Greenlanders, decided to hand over the island to the United States. In addition, Denmark is subject to special international laws on the protection of the indigenous people of Greenland, which make a transfer without Greenlandic acceptance contrary to international law. The Greenlandic Self-Government Act from 2009 also makes such a sale more difficult, as it states that the Greenlanders themselves have the right to decide over their country. If Denmark decides to say yes to hand over sovereignty over Greenland to the United States without Greenlandic acceptance, a number of states and potentially the UN would oppose it, and Denmark would allegedly be brought before the UN International Court of Justice in The Hague.
The U.S. does not need Greenland, there is already a USSF (United States Space Force) Base there under agreement with Denmark, they won't sell it anyway.
And what you do with an Island that is 90% Ice and Snow anyway? Only the Coastline is habitable.
When Canada becomes the 51st state of the USA, Greenland will be the neighbor. So it makes sense to buy Greenland before Chinese take it over under their belt and road.
The 34 republicans that voted no against the bill that had the debt ceiling raised or uncapped should be removed we had a mandate and trump is that mandate if your against that mandate ur out period
Where will Trump go to get a loan to purchase Greenland? And how long until he files for bankruptcy on that loan? Dude is a clown.
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watching Trump is like watching an old televangelist. Similarly to religion, he is committing the greatest con job in all of history, and it is all so obvious.
I'm Canadian. Anyone who screams "I am the King, is not a King". Trump is such a loser. He knows he'll fail at everything. Destractions.
我是加拿大人。任何喊“我是國(guó)王”的人,都不是國(guó)王。特朗普真是個(gè)失敗者。他知道自己會(huì)在所有事情上都失敗。只不過(guò)是個(gè) distraction(轉(zhuǎn)移注意力的伎倆)。
Trump wants to move early warning radars from Canada to Greenland and install nuke silos there, possibly relocating ones in North Dakota. Problem is Greenland is not presently for sale hence the high $1.5 trillion bid.
Hopefully, he can finalize the deal this time. The world will be more secure if America gains control of this critical strategic territory.
Greenland is also in North America and the only major land mass under the Monroe Doctrine that is still possessed by European power, of course the Falklands are also under European control
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處
I think there is more to the Greenland story. Plans in the works for a shipping lane across the artic from Alaska to Greenland....
Obtaining Greenland would be huge. It has a great geographic position. It's a very large land mass, that is mostly undeveloped. And it most likely has tons of minerals buried there. It's probably worth over a trillion dollars.
Greenland has vast amounts of mineral wealth. And many think the coastal areas have a lot of oil. Greenland is a autonomous region. It's the people living there that will decide. And it's unlikely they would agree to go to the US's control. They and Denmark are democracies. So it's unlikely they will dismantle that.
Republicans shouldn’t take all the credit for Trump’s victory. A lot of independents like me and Dems who converted voted for Trump. There are Dems supporters who didn’t vote because they couldn’t vote for Harris but also refused to vote for Trump. If it were just for Republican supporters alone, Trump would have lost.
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Seeing the Latins joining the BRICS and now all that is missing is mutual armed defense.
The most likely scenario is, without a doubt, that we will witness the fall of an empire.
2 is better than 1. Trump is even better with Elon as his co-pilot. He's the smartest and most successful businessman to ever live. I don't know what we did do deserve having not 1, but 2 great people running our country, but I say, hell yeah! USA USA USA! Congrats Elon and Trump, and God Bless America.
If you think China is buying a lot of farmland in United States, well that pails in comparison to how much they’re buying in South America. The Panama Canal’s two strategic to ignore.
The vast frozen land of Greenland from the top of the world has close access to Europe (Russia, Ukraine) this is for security (peaceful world basically). Trump doesn't invade but does push for the interest of America and the world.
Buy Canada and double your size, triple your resource base, secure the northern continent, connect Alaska to the lower 48. Or do you Americans like asking “permission from a foreign country” to drive your vehicle between States? Serious question. Think about it.