Why does everyone love Elon Musk?

Why does everyone love Elon Musk?
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Why is everyone obsessed with Elon Musk?
Because what would you do if you say , won the lottery and got $200 mil? Buy a mansion, get a few butlers… travel the world and get drunk in every pub ever? Then buy a yacht and an island somewhere and live out your days sipping cocktails?
Well Elon had this choice after selling paypal. But decided something else… he asked what can I do to better humankind with my fortune instead of just spending it all on me.
He then invested in Tesla and pretty much almost lost everything to restart the idea of the electric car and through that choice saved millions of tonnes of CO2 being ejected into our atmosphere. Very few people can say they had such a positive effect on the world.
他的其他公司,如太空探索技術(shù)公司(SpaceX)和太陽能城市(Solar City),以及像超級高鐵這樣的想法,再次讓世界變得令人興奮,讓我展望未來,至少有人在做些事情來幫助阻止全球變暖。即使他只是一個(gè)人,對于那些非常愛他的人來說,他就像盧克·天行者……他給了一代人希望,讓他們覺得他們的長輩沒有為了利潤而出賣地球。
If you can’t see that, then you must look at your own role models and ask, “Is this man doing what he is doing just to enrich himself, get power, leave a legacy? Or is he truly trying to make the world better?”
Curious how Musk will fit in the same light as that of Newton, Einstein, Tesla, Darwin, Archimedes, Kepler, Faraday, Maxwell, da Vinci, Plato, Freud and the others.
He’s probably more in the Ford, B. Franklin, Gates, Jobs league.
I am not comparing Elon directly to Newton but mean that he will be remenbered as a great man same as Newton… a viosionary…
People compare Musk to Jobs… this always annoys me. Jobs made a good product sure… but i do not think he changed the world and hastened us towards a better future the way Elon has and will.
Musk contribution are not purely his, unlike that of Newton. They are built upon the shoulders of thousands of smart engineers. Placing Musk next to Newton is way more absurd than comparing him to Ford (Vertical Integration) & Jobs (Great Product). He is the best role model in the context of entrepreneurs, that’s all. And of course his vision and work is beyond that of Jobs, Zuckerberg and the likes.
thank God you did not mentioned Edison ; )
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
Edison would have been a criminal if he is living now. Electrocuting animals aren't exactly legal.
He's not a mathematician or scientist, so why do you even bother hinting at a comparison?
Maybe not a scientist or a mathematicia. But being able to go from an online webpage, to electric cars, to space is nothing less than Mind blowing. In the modern age, visionaries and entrepreneurs are as important as scientist and mathematicians were in the past.
He will not fit at all with any of those you named. Those were brilliant and truly exceptional people. Musk just forced his way into undue money then multiplied that money, mostly with government subsidy. Millions do that, and he isn't an inventor, nor a scientist, nor a true innovator. He isn't an engineer, and listening to his appearances and presentations one can easily see he isn't particularly intelligent. Above average but nowhere near genius.
Definitely not Ford. Although, for sure, he brought in the age of modern manufacturing. He was also kind of a gangster…
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
Comparing elon musk to newton is rubbish!!
Infact comparing Elon Musk to anyone is absurd. Elon is trying is something that no one dared until he started and showed how it can be done.
In my view he is more of a living inspiration. The next generation would look upto him and try to do something for betterment of mankind.
I'm not sure what planet you live on, but nothing Musk has “done” (others did it, not him) hasn't been done or tried by others. Nothing he is doing or did is unique, and when you actually look at it, his businesses have not helped anyone either.
If it was about the money he would have gone to a silicon valley VC firm or done almost anything other than sink money into an automotive start-up.
Tesla / Solar City / Space X -- well covered elsewhere.
How can you comment on what the richest man in the world would have done if it was about money?
That’s a pretty idealistic, and frankly, ridiculous point of view. You honestly think he just altruistically decided to start Tesla because he has a huge heart?
C’mon man, let’s be realistic. He took huge risks with his paypal fortune, but let’s not pretend it wasn’t done under the auspices of capitalism where making larger sums is about doing more good for more people. His risk of ruin was unnecessarily high, and it seems plausible that there was altruism here.
But sinking his fortune into his next things was expressly done as a potential means to continue scaling said fortune.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
Starting a car company isn’t what you do if you want to grow your fortune - its almost guaranteed to fail. In fact starting a car company, or a rocket company has to be possibly the highest risk lowest return ways to use a fortune. I don’t think this is model capitalist behaviour, and I think that it why Elon has caught the imaginations of many.
When your car company is subsidised by the US taxpayer to the tune of $4.9 billion your odds improve considerably.
As with almost all Elon’s projects he does think ahead. Yes the risks he took was almost insane. The risk of losing everything was enourmous, he himself said that he thought there might be a 10% chance that he will succeed.
But he said that he did not do it for the money, it is pretty clear that he could’nt care less about the money or else he would have taken a massive CEO salary which he does not. He runs a company with investors that demand profit so it is not like he is running a non profit org.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
We adore him for his rags to riches story… he is living the dream and proves that with creativity and hard work and a fair bit of luck we can all become giants!
So i will keep on rooting for him as longs as he does stuff that benefit humanity.
Appreciate the candor Berto, and I’m definitely not discounting the inspiring qualities a man like Elon Musk certainly has, in spades. He’s a marvelous technologist and one of the single most innovative people on Earth at present. The Great-Man Myth My initial comment was based on the kind of ideas espoused in the MIT Technology Review article lixed above. “It’s precisely because we admire Musk and think his contributions are important that we need to get real about where his success actually comes from.” His own ex-wife says that he has Balls of Steel. He took massive risk making very big bets that were more likely to go to zero than payoff handsomely. But let’s not pretend. At the core of the innovations is the capitalist mindset of earning Return on Capital. To say otherwise is, to put it simply, nothing more than mythologizing. And that has nothing to do with him being an inspiring figure, which he most definitely certainly absolutely is!
You could say that about anyone but someone who outworks everyone in his companies to the point he doesn’t even have time to spend his money. This is a guy who is already a multi billionaire but constantly works 80–100h weeks to make everything work. I’ve never worked a 100h week. I worked 84 and its brutal, and it wasn’t doing anything even near as important as the stuff he is doing. Good try there pal, but I think the majority of us know that this man doesn’t give a toss about his money.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
In some comments I can see a lot of criticism for Elon Musk, to the extent that he is doing everything that is bust, like a serial failure catastrophe, and it gives me a feeling of amusement. Come on, give him a credit for pathbreaking work that he has ventured out.
How many people can do such an extent of work in territory that is not ventured yet? He has an ability to see something that run of the mill entrepreneur is not able to see.
Tesla: make EV, in millions, with computer controlled battery cooling, and hang on, it is basically a software on wheels.
Come on, he has an audacity to make a factory to manufacture Starship, in 100s of numbers, running between Earth and Mars, like a ferry running between two shores. I can not find one entrepreneur from current generation who has this level of audacity.
Starlix: make a constellation of floating satellites to provide high speed internet to every point on the globe mainly as an income device to fund SpaceX.
Neuralix: Control human mind to external devices, again path breaking.
Elon is an example of how an engineer thinks and how an engineer should think for uncharted potential territories. Obviously his companies will go through capital cycles, and market will decide their future viability whether they would flourish or perish, but to ridicule a visionary who has a courage to venture alone, is bit amusing.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處