10. Live Silkworm Pupa - India
In Northeastern India, this dish was experienced in Assam, a region known for its cuisine that’s remarkably different from the rest of India. People here eat pork, insects, and at times, even pets. During our visit, we went to the home of a man who raised silkworms. The silkworms eventually grow into moths, but before that, they enter the pupa stage, weaving a cocoon. The process involves cutting open the cocoon to extract the pupa inside. What shocked me most was that the pupa was still alive, squirming as if resisting its fate. Finally, I mustered the courage to try it. The flavor was like swallowing a juicy vitamin—watery and oddly refreshing on a hot day. It was an experience I’ll never forget.


9. Eel Jelly - UK
This was the infamous jellied eel from the UK, a dish that can only be described as a nightmare in gelatin form. While I enjoyed many British dishes like shepherd’s pie and fish and chips, jellied eel was a different story. Imagine a jelly that isn’t strawberry or cherry flavored, but instead tastes like briny ocean water. You can scoop it up and chew it, or simply pick around the plate. It’s cold, slippery, and has fatty sections that might be skin. The texture is gelatinous, and the flavor is overwhelmingly fishy, like ocean water boiled with gelatin. For me, it was impossible to enjoy.


8. Raw Cow Stomach - Ethiopia
Eating raw cow stomach with the Mursi tribe in Ethiopia was one of the wildest food experiences of my life. On that day, a cow was sacrificed, and its large stomach was removed and cleaned out. The raw stomach, still fresh and full of remnants, was sliced and immediately eaten. Despite the contents still lingering inside, the tribe seemed unbothered. Watching them eat, I felt both fascinated and horrified. As I hesitated, I wondered if I really had to do this. I even considered not filming, thinking no one would ever know I skipped this. Yet, driven by curiosity and respect for the tradition, I reluctantly gave it a try.


7. Silkworm Pupa - Korea
Silkworm pupa, a popular snack in South Korea, takes the seventh spot on this list. The way it’s prepared here brings out a musty, sour smell, reminiscent of an old, forgotten mattress left in an attic for decades. The texture is similar to boiled sardines, but the flavor is far less pleasant. While I admire its cultural significance, the combination of its smell and taste made it one of the least appetizing foods I’ve encountered. I doubt I’ll be seeking it out again, but if I ever do, I’ll look harder for its redeeming qualities.


6. Cow Bile Dip - Thailand
In Chiang Mai, Thailand, cow bile dip is a delicacy that locals adore. Made by draining the bile from a cow’s gallbladder, the dip is paired with raw buffalo meat. The bitterness of the bile is unparalleled, striking deep into the core of your taste buds. Despite the addition of spices and seasonings to enhance the dish, the intense bitterness was overwhelming. For the people of Chiang Mai, it’s a beloved flavor, but for me, it was a deeply challenging culinary experience.


5. Raw Alpaca Kidney - Peru
In the Peruvian Andes, where alpacas and llamas are raised, I encountered a dish that tested my limits: raw alpaca kidney. After the alpaca was slaughtered, the kidney was removed and offered raw, with only a sprinkle of salt to enhance the flavor. Even with the salt, the taste was intense, and the texture was tough, gummy, and required considerable effort to chew. It had a mineral-like flavor, reminiscent of eating raw vitamins but far worse. While this dish is part of their traditional cuisine and deeply tied to their culture, it was one of the most challenging foods I’ve ever tried.


4. Stingray Liver - Vietnam
In Vietnam, stingray liver is regarded as a delicacy, but for me, it was one of the most unappetizing foods I’ve ever encountered. The liver was large, flat, and resembled foie gras in appearance. However, its flavor was overwhelming—soft, slimy, and pungent, with a smell that bordered on offensive. The taste was sour and rotten, like scraps from the bottom of the ocean. Despite my respect for the chef and local customs, this dish was nearly impossible to eat, leaving me with a memory I wouldn’t want to revisit.


3. Raw Cow Organ - Tanzania
Sharing raw cow organs with the Datoga tribe in Tanzania ranks as one of the most intense food experiences of my life. As part of their tradition, a cow was suffocated, and its organs were immediately removed. The liver, dunked in fresh blood and bile, was eaten raw. This was no survival necessity—it was a delicacy and a celebration for the tribe. The texture was soft but oddly resistant, tearing apart slowly under my teeth. The combination of blood and bile created an overpowering, bitter taste that tested every bit of my resolve. Although I respected their traditions and the cultural significance of the dish, it was an incredibly difficult experience to endure.


2. Fermented Skate - Korea
Fermented skate is a South Korean delicacy that I could never fully embrace. A skate resembles a stingray, but the fermentation process gives it a powerful ammonia smell that assaults your senses the moment it’s served. The taste burns your throat and nose, leaving behind a fishy, sour, and astringent aftertaste. The texture, while crunchy, does little to mask the pungency. Even some locals struggle with this dish, and for me, it was nearly unbearable. Despite having spent years in Korea and trying it multiple times, fermented skate remains one of the most challenging foods I’ve ever encountered.


1. Armadillo - Peru
The most revolting food I’ve ever eaten is armadillo in Peru. Caught using a crude trap, this armadillo was prepared two ways—grilled and made into soup. While the grilled version was somewhat tolerable, the soup was another story. The smell was overwhelming and the flavor sour and rancid, like old mothballs. The texture of the meat was slimy and deeply unpleasant. After filming, I couldn’t hold back and ended up vomiting. This dish, with its overpowering aroma and off-putting taste, sits firmly as the worst culinary experience I’ve ever had.
