10. Live Silkworm Pupa - India
In Northeastern India, this dish was experienced in Assam, a region known for its cuisine that’s remarkably different from the rest of India. People here eat pork, insects, and at times, even pets. During our visit, we went to the home of a man who raised silkworms. The silkworms eventually grow into moths, but before that, they enter the pupa stage, weaving a cocoon. The process involves cutting open the cocoon to extract the pupa inside. What shocked me most was that the pupa was still alive, squirming as if resisting its fate. Finally, I mustered the courage to try it. The flavor was like swallowing a juicy vitamin—watery and oddly refreshing on a hot day. It was an experience I’ll never forget.
9. Eel Jelly - UK
This was the infamous jellied eel from the UK, a dish that can only be described as a nightmare in gelatin form. While I enjoyed many British dishes like shepherd’s pie and fish and chips, jellied eel was a different story. Imagine a jelly that isn’t strawberry or cherry flavored, but instead tastes like briny ocean water. You can scoop it up and chew it, or simply pick around the plate. It’s cold, slippery, and has fatty sections that might be skin. The texture is gelatinous, and the flavor is overwhelmingly fishy, like ocean water boiled with gelatin. For me, it was impossible to enjoy.
8. Raw Cow Stomach - Ethiopia
Eating raw cow stomach with the Mursi tribe in Ethiopia was one of the wildest food experiences of my life. On that day, a cow was sacrificed, and its large stomach was removed and cleaned out. The raw stomach, still fresh and full of remnants, was sliced and immediately eaten. Despite the contents still lingering inside, the tribe seemed unbothered. Watching them eat, I felt both fascinated and horrified. As I hesitated, I wondered if I really had to do this. I even considered not filming, thinking no one would ever know I skipped this. Yet, driven by curiosity and respect for the tradition, I reluctantly gave it a try.
7. Silkworm Pupa - Korea
Silkworm pupa, a popular snack in South Korea, takes the seventh spot on this list. The way it’s prepared here brings out a musty, sour smell, reminiscent of an old, forgotten mattress left in an attic for decades. The texture is similar to boiled sardines, but the flavor is far less pleasant. While I admire its cultural significance, the combination of its smell and taste made it one of the least appetizing foods I’ve encountered. I doubt I’ll be seeking it out again, but if I ever do, I’ll look harder for its redeeming qualities.
6. Cow Bile Dip - Thailand
In Chiang Mai, Thailand, cow bile dip is a delicacy that locals adore. Made by draining the bile from a cow’s gallbladder, the dip is paired with raw buffalo meat. The bitterness of the bile is unparalleled, striking deep into the core of your taste buds. Despite the addition of spices and seasonings to enhance the dish, the intense bitterness was overwhelming. For the people of Chiang Mai, it’s a beloved flavor, but for me, it was a deeply challenging culinary experience.
5. Raw Alpaca Kidney - Peru
In the Peruvian Andes, where alpacas and llamas are raised, I encountered a dish that tested my limits: raw alpaca kidney. After the alpaca was slaughtered, the kidney was removed and offered raw, with only a sprinkle of salt to enhance the flavor. Even with the salt, the taste was intense, and the texture was tough, gummy, and required considerable effort to chew. It had a mineral-like flavor, reminiscent of eating raw vitamins but far worse. While this dish is part of their traditional cuisine and deeply tied to their culture, it was one of the most challenging foods I’ve ever tried.
4. Stingray Liver - Vietnam
In Vietnam, stingray liver is regarded as a delicacy, but for me, it was one of the most unappetizing foods I’ve ever encountered. The liver was large, flat, and resembled foie gras in appearance. However, its flavor was overwhelming—soft, slimy, and pungent, with a smell that bordered on offensive. The taste was sour and rotten, like scraps from the bottom of the ocean. Despite my respect for the chef and local customs, this dish was nearly impossible to eat, leaving me with a memory I wouldn’t want to revisit.
3. Raw Cow Organ - Tanzania
Sharing raw cow organs with the Datoga tribe in Tanzania ranks as one of the most intense food experiences of my life. As part of their tradition, a cow was suffocated, and its organs were immediately removed. The liver, dunked in fresh blood and bile, was eaten raw. This was no survival necessity—it was a delicacy and a celebration for the tribe. The texture was soft but oddly resistant, tearing apart slowly under my teeth. The combination of blood and bile created an overpowering, bitter taste that tested every bit of my resolve. Although I respected their traditions and the cultural significance of the dish, it was an incredibly difficult experience to endure.
2. Fermented Skate - Korea
Fermented skate is a South Korean delicacy that I could never fully embrace. A skate resembles a stingray, but the fermentation process gives it a powerful ammonia smell that assaults your senses the moment it’s served. The taste burns your throat and nose, leaving behind a fishy, sour, and astringent aftertaste. The texture, while crunchy, does little to mask the pungency. Even some locals struggle with this dish, and for me, it was nearly unbearable. Despite having spent years in Korea and trying it multiple times, fermented skate remains one of the most challenging foods I’ve ever encountered.
1. Armadillo - Peru
The most revolting food I’ve ever eaten is armadillo in Peru. Caught using a crude trap, this armadillo was prepared two ways—grilled and made into soup. While the grilled version was somewhat tolerable, the soup was another story. The smell was overwhelming and the flavor sour and rancid, like old mothballs. The texture of the meat was slimy and deeply unpleasant. After filming, I couldn’t hold back and ended up vomiting. This dish, with its overpowering aroma and off-putting taste, sits firmly as the worst culinary experience I’ve ever had.
I like the fact that you actually consume the "food" no matter how disgusted you are. It's something most food reviewers would never attempt to.
4: @Simulacra001
I was expecting cucumber to be your #1.
5: @renaldyhaen
I admire your ability to respect every food and flavor from around the world.
As a child, I was disgusted by pupa, but once I tried it, I actually loved the taste—though I could never eat it raw. In my area, the most common types of pupa come from cashew caterpillars and teak tree caterpillars.
6: @RhileyBowie
The vein popping out when you were eating the cow liver.
7: @MightyPooPSTEAM
Thank you for your honesty! Bet u couldnt wait to get these off your chest! We respect it! Also damn.....really respect your lack of gag reflexes.
8: @Abhijith_n_s
One of the best episodes in 8 years I love your genuineness.
9: @SensoryPig
This really is the world’s best food review show. I love your show, and watching this recap of you eating your most disgusting is very funny. Thank you.
10: @OpinionMatrix
Hey Sonny! Keep posting please, if your videos get delayed, I get genuinely worried about you. May the almighty keep you and your family happy and safe.
11: @bettyjohnson1963
Your honest,brave,doesn't discriminate,doesn't hesitate etc...,I mean you're the best and if there's a global award for blogging you would win.
12: @Pango5697
TWO from S.Korea? I’m so proud!
13: @mikekano
Honorable mention has to be that egg you ate @ PNG that face tou made still makes me laugh.
14: @davidbarclay4968
Fantastic as always. I love how you can hate a food and still keep a respectful view of those eating this way in their respective parts of the world. Just love your show Sunny. What a dream it would be to do this all over the world.
15: @martykitson3442
Every time we butchered something my dad made a point of showing us kids how to remove the gall blader without getting any bile on any part of the liver and getting it disposed of intact no way I would eat that, and even after spending 2/3 of my life in Alaska I can't stomach "stink fish", I don't eat bugs either. I've just never been a person who does something because everyone else does.
16: @misanthropicservitorofmars2116
Sonny gets presented something disgusting and inedible
“Let’s do it!”
Love the mentality.
17: @peregrinekipling378
You are so brave and respectful! I can't imagine doing this myself, I just wouldn't be able! Well done to you! Respect!!!
18: @yajcaivplawv88
Kudos to you You’re truly the man for “taking the bullet” for everyone watching.
19: @guinnevereschronicles2225
He has balls of steel to be able to stomach these. I respect people’s culture and the food that comes with it, but you can’t convince me to eat it.
20: @abbyellis2623
I would love to watch a story time of places Sonny has lived, what brought him there, and what he did for a living.
21: @artiefufkin88
This video went by in 2 seconds. Too good. My new favorite show of all time!
22: @davidwoolsey2135
Thanks for taking all those "hits" from nasty food AND also showing us all the good stuff from cultures around the world.
23: @Hip-Gnosis1134
7:12 why are you clapping? Is it someone’s birthday?
24: @vicn4059
This is great! No matter whatever your food is, unless it is cooked, to me it is not food. Eating raw meat and bugs is disgusting for sure.
25: @anddontcallmeshirley-
I'm from London and jellied eels are delicious! ... Everything else on this list grosses me out, although I would try them all once. I lived in Thailand for 1 year so I can relate to eating strange foods. We're all very different that's for sure. Man I love this channel!
26: @okayolamax2min345
Good work!
I've been invited for Swedish surstr?mning and F?r? Island fermented leg o' lamb - and in both cases my nostrils said no.
Probably the memory of digging into a Greenlandic soup bowl of yummy'ness that put me off.
27: @wesleypipesgaming19
Been watching you since the beginning and you're still my favorite! Awesome to see how far you guys have come!
28: @itsmeshay8089
You have balls of steel Sonny!!! I am Filipina and don’t eat half of the foods when I visit Pampanga and Quezon City!!! I can’t believe you ate the Pang Pang!!! Love your content, keep up the great work!
29: @pawanjyoti5134
I am from Assam, India and even I never eaten a live silkworm pupa, it’s actually not common to eat it raw. Anyways, love from Assam, do visit again.
30: @margotk538
My husband was worried that I watched too much of your food videos I will eat more and get fat. Don’t worry, you balanced it out with this one.
31: @simoneheinrich6732
My mother was fed raw liver as a child 70 years ago as the dr recommended it as baby food. When I was a kid my grandma gave me raw lamb’s kidney, I just remember it being crunchy, earthy, and bloody. Thank goodness it’s not the norm now in Australia.
32: @sheckydiamond7533
You called my people, culture, and food disgusting. Thank you.
33: @Fireballs687
Seeing Sonny without a bandana in the beginning was not expected. I feel like I always see him wearing it hahaja.
34: @vickyvick5892
Thank you Sonny for your sacrifice. My most favorite YouTuber ever.
35: @VietNguyen-vj4su
You might want to try these:
1- Giant Isopod: lives on the bottom of the ocean (your sperm count might go down)
2- Shirako (Japan): sperm sack of fish (Cod, Puffer fish)
3- Fried Tarantulas (Cambodia)
4- White Ant Eggs (Laos)
5- Jelly Moose Nose (Canada)
6- Boshingtang (Korea)
7- Huitlacoche (Mexico)
8- Airag (Mongolia)
9- Casu Marzu (Italy): cheese digested by maggots
10- Fried Pig Brain Sandwiches (US)
11- Century Eggs (China)
12- Hakarl (Iceland): shark meat buried in the ground for 6-18 weeks, then dug up, hung out to dry.
36: @Fadeddreams5
I love how Sonny is able to keep a poker face and not gag when he eats all this stuff.
37: @ShellingAdventures
I wish I could say that I was adventurous enough to try (or even order) these foods...but I know I'm not. Props to you, Sonny!
38: @terryhughes6248
Doing the helicopter in the bathroom because I decided to watch this during the morning ritual. Damn Sonny, you have eaten some crazy things.
39: @naftalihaimbili4998
I can't afford to miss out the next episode.
40: @rowdyryan9988
“Ya know, if you don’t look at it… nah never mind.”
41: @mbja300
At least Sonny will emote when certain foods are a bit distasteful versus acting like it's the best thing he'd ever tasted in life....(clears throat) Mark Wiens....lol
42: @alconway6386
Love your show brother. Thanks for taking one or two or ten for the team. Lol.
43: @Moe-yx5ue
At this point, I think his digestive system has given up on the warning signals and cues that it normally gives (diarrhea - vomiting - nausea). It decided to just move on and hope for the best.
44: @shamsasakina7428
I remember when he said "I respect the chef."
45: @dariusbautistachopper
Been around the world too and enjoyed many exotic meats. Be willing to try all Sonny has tried but don't know if I can keep a straight face, ya never know... God bless Sonny and his wonderfulness in all these worlds...
47: @voiceofreason2743
Remember that time Sonny questioned why all Musli... around the world aren’t exactly the same but never questioned the Christians in the same episode for digging up their dead relatives and partying with them?
48: @getschwifty7312
I don’t want to try anything from this list. But salute to you for trying them for us.
49: @fredricktomasson
Sunny. You make Andrew Zimmern proud with how you manage to find those bizarre foods!
Sunny,你尋找這些奇特食物的能力一定讓Andrew Zimmern感到驕傲!
50: @Mileypit
Haven't watched this yet. But surely it's the Stingray liver. He never stops going on about it.
51: @Khemore
I'm surprised u didn't have Cowpoo soup on the list lol :)
Btw u should try Surstr?m fish from Sweeden :P
52: @table2187
Next episode: 10 best tasting food (that you wouldn’t think you would like).
53: @BaddlikeTRINA
Clenching my teeth honestly don't know how you do it.
54: @Nathan-bh1nr
Sonny : you eat this?
Tribesman: Yes.
Sonny : but still it had a sh** on it.
Tribesman: Who cares!
55: @subhasischand9083
For a long time stingray liver was your worst food. You leveled up bro...
56: @JoanGonzales-q2n
I love all your videos, I love watching it, you are so hilarious, I find it so entertaining, love you Sonny from Philippines.
57: @fatandhappysailfish
It’s so nice to hear you don’t like everything. You do tend to come across like you like everything.
58: @Tamarack_Barbell
Watching this episode while cooking lunch was maybe not the best idea, but I like to live dangerously.
59: @holhydro
Sonny does all this for us. We must appreciate this man much more than we already do.
60: @Livengoodhunting
If you ever need a sidekick man, I’m in New Jersey. I will eat anything. Try me. Haha ha.
61: @ottomattix86
I missed the armadillo episode so I didn’t see that coming!
62: @sarahcooper29
I swear if Sonny says those foods are disgusting, trust him!!! He has eaten almost everything in this world.
63: @nero3979
Sonny is the very definition of 'Taking one for the team.'
He eats all these crazy and disgusting (at times) foods so we don’t have to but still kinda know what it’s like.
So a genuine thank you from here in Scotland, along with probably millions of people that watch in other countries too.
64: @chuckmorris5162
Where is Cucumber ...hahaha was expecting that as well.
65: @marieldaquiado3038
I love watching all your videos, never missed one. Even if I watch over and over again. SONNY is the best, he adds humor over the worst food.
66: @danidinero6229
BEFRS is the new age fear factor but Sonny is not even doing it in competition.
67: @cetincerchez1945
Surstromming you have to eat!
68: @kevinbuckler1085
You just make me laugh every time I watch you.
69: @pattyk734
Another one of your videos that I’m gagging as I watch it.
70: @billyhoward7794
Wow, Sonny you are amazing! You boldly go where my tastebuds would never, ever go! Is there any food that you would never eat (other than cucumbers)?
71: @ashlingofAsh7580
The one of the Kenyan tribe eating the cow raw really got me. I was thinking what I thought was the worst as I watched and just instantly my stomach flipped and eyes would not watch. But I don't even like shrimp so I have no room to talk. Ha.
72: @AndyMoreno-oz2wb
I love you, bro. Keep up the good work. I’m a big fan.
73: @dewaldtmaritz3372
Loved this one Sonny! Very surprised the stingray liver was number 4 on your list, was sure it would be number 1.
74: @djr9999
Watching this while having a lunch.
75: @graceawuah7966
My mind: You're eating this, this is a bad idea.
Me: Proceed watching anyways.
76: @seven02gaming90
Love all your video and these highlights of past shows are cool. Kinda behind the scenes stuff. I would actually love to watch a full series that follows not just your food reviews but the travels to these remote locations.
81: @crentistismydentist
What about the bear paw you had in Japan?
82: @emmanueliheme3062
You are actually a very hardworking man Mr. Sunny.
83: @MariaEleanor.official
Oh man, seeing you still alive now after all the foods you ate is amazing. You are so brave Sonny. Always like your content.
84: @mails4vidyaprakash
Being vegetarian, I still watch your show with pure happiness.
I always wonder & respect the way you respect weird foods & the ppl who eat them.
85: @fishpickles1377
Surprised that poop juice soup didn't make the list, from Thailand I think?
86: @mariolombard3778
You should make a video where you talk about the food that got you sick after lol.
87: @thorn.charmer
Ngl, this channel makes me want to travel again.
88: @kimberlyduncan8598
Can't wait for new content. Soon you will travel with your family like Mark has.
89: @moysesmartinez9284
I’m still waiting for the day my boy Sonny says “nope nope I’m not eating that $&@&!!!!” Guess I’ll keep waiting!! My respects my boy Sonny!!
111: @Kingpin0306
Armadillo? That was a surprise, I thought the worst thing Sonny ate was the stingray liver.
112: @musakanyamukuka7675
I’m surprised cucumbers ain’t on the list.
113: @nesia_b421
Sonny, we the people of the internet salute you.
114: @trentsmith5631
Wow, I’ve been watching Sonny for years now and I would have thought stingray liver would have been number 1, how very wrong lol. YOU ROCK BEFRS!!!
115: @SIC_SIX_7
I have so much respect for you man! Most of the foods look delicious but these here would be so difficult to eat.
116: @MideanStone
I love this channel so much.
117: @kimtran5688
Safe to say, silk worm, raw cow organ, bile, and stingray are not your thing?! Lol.
118: @matisssvehs5094
Haven’t watched yet. And I guess nr.1 will be cucumber.
119: @matpeden7731
I would've thought no.1 was cucumber.
120: @3lue3oy315
Me and my father watched every one of your shows for the past 4 years... My father passed away on December 10th... I just hope all is well with you. I miss the videos.
121: @withs2155
Thank you for your content. I really enjoy learning about the different cultures and food. You are very entertaining and respectful. I am quite adventurous with food and will try anything once. Well maybe not the Puffer fish, as I don’t want to take any chances! I like your attitude to food and your descxtions of it. Well done to you and your team for all of your hard work! Keep it up xx.
Hakuna Matata!
127: @stevemumford6983
We eat stewed eels with pie mash and liquor (a type of parsley sauce cooked with the eel juice). The mash should be basic. All served in a big bowl-type plate with chili vinegar and salt and pepper. The jellied eels you were eating should be cold and needed lots of vinegar and pepper.
128: @Abscondita9
Kudos to you for being adventurous, curious, and brave enough to try these foods! I couldn’t imagine eating anything from this list. This isn’t meant to offend the people and culture who enjoy these foods, but just stating the facts I know of myself. It’s also amazing to see the variety of dishes from around the world that’s not generally appealing but still enjoyed by the locals.
133: @reeshavgohain
By 11:00 my stomach is feeling funny and I can’t watch it anymore.
134: @hukujmehta6394
The only thing remaining is Sonny now becoming a Cannibal.
135: @Christinefinlay91
I thought that fermented fish you had that was kept in those barrels would make this list.
136: @nicoleperry293
Of all the things, the bile made me gag just watching it! I can taste it without tasting it!!
137: @stephendeters5112
You should do reviews of local packaged food that are popular, like ramen packets.
138: @mrbigsausage6918
Human beings, that's what we are. I find different cultures and stories fascinating. One thing I hope never changes is the way of life and traditions. Believe that modern society should not change others to become modern—it’s their choice. And I love and respect that. What we need to focus on is a brighter, cleaner, healthier, more sustainable future, and we should all work together to make that happen.
139: @jaksha86ingerson
I done the gallbladder dip with my friends from Laos. It was so bad. They had cow stomach there too, and it literally tasted like shit. And yeah, I was sick that night. Never again.
147: @richbennett6577
8 years already?! I’ve been a follower for 6 years now?! Wow, has the time flown by.
148: @radupopescu6074
Every time I watch you, I wish I was there to really enjoy the experience.
149: @Bingo-ig4qt
Why don’t you come to India? Seriously! I just discovered your channel yesterday, and I’ve already binge-watched so many of your videos! But here’s the thing—why do people from other countries seem obsessed with crispy, fried meat? Like, no offense, but most of it tastes like trash. Okay, maybe a few exceptions exist like chicken and crab. You need to try the flavors here—it’ll blow your mind...
151: @SpeedAdrenaline
Word on the street, Calvin throws up on purpose just so he can taste the bile again.
152: @bochapman1058
When did you guys work with Sorted Food?
你們什么時候和《Sorted Food》合作的?
153: @drs8922
I puked bile once. Made me puke harder. To voluntarily EAT it? Nope. I like FOOD!
154: @johndangmei5748
No other words but RESPECT.
155: @arthpatel4375
Bro, I am surprised he has the courage to eat some of those, especially a live pupae.
156: @kellyferren2705
Love your videos, but do you ever get sick eating some of these foods? You are a brave soul—I couldn’t do it.
157: @hemanthharrilall6469
You are a brave man. Thanks as usual.
158: @Gomicoo
I’m surprised you don’t like the Korean silkworm aka beondegi! I lived in Korea for 3 years and ate that almost weekly.
159: @fyn_rashad5470
I think the armadillo might have had an illness or was just old… Idk, maybe that’s why it was bad. Even the local was like “yea it’s different this time.”
163: @mamzknox
I'm also from North-East India, Aizawl just near Assam, and your #10 cocoon is one of my favorite food in the world. But we don't eat it raw here, we fry it... And it’s… OMG… “Delicious”… The taste… The flavor… The crunchiness of the skin… The worst part is, you can’t buy it whenever you feel like it. It’s not available most times.
170: @Chompchompyerded
That's probably the ten most disgusting foods that Sonny ate THAT HE KNOWS OF. The most disgusting food that he's probably eaten are things that are too small to see, that sneak in on other things that he's eating, or when his mouth is wide open at night while he sleeps. You know, the stuff that makes you violently sick, and which might even put you in the hospital.
171: @MoreLikeCryraxx
It's so funny to me how he'll eat raw things, and drink blood straight from an animal, but cucumbers are too far.
172: @-SupraMari0-
I enjoyed seeing old Sonny. The one that doesn’t say “I’m rich” every 5 minutes.
173: @wadegarret
The worst thing I ever tasted was rancid chicken. It had been cooked but was rancid before being cooked, and the cook didn’t notice. 30 years on, and I swear I can still taste it.
174: @Allthatblooms
While I’m eating my breakfast.
175: @fenomeral
I'm not surprised about the armadillo. It's sad they get hunted, but with that taste, you know some of the people doing it don’t really have that many options.
176: @MANUELJOSE-j8c
If you are not in the financial market space right now, you are making a huge mistake. I understand that it could be due to ignorance, but if you want to make your money work for you... prevent inflation...
178: @wataworks6478
Damn. I can never do that. That's why I just sit in the office doing my 8-5 job and going home crying myself to sleep.
179: @sputnik52157
Haven’t finished the vid yet but I’m assuming stingray liver tops the list!
180: @Xo.aiyanna13
Been waiting for you to post all week.
181: @Genexiynz
The hardest part is actually not spitting it out even though you hate it in front of the host. And you definitely haven’t done it so far.
189: @danboozled
Matty Matheson collab in the Maritimes of Canada! It’d be amazing!
和Matty Matheson在加拿大海洋省合作吧!一定會很棒!
190: @hisazul
Nothing I ever tasted made me feel worse than cooked onions. Funny thing, fresh or marinaded are totally fine. Swallow some of everyone’s favorite caramelized onions and everything comes right back out—no questions, no negotiations, nada, just out.
193: @l4dbros1518
I was waiting for “cucumber” number 1.
194: @NeilpodzSayoo
The first, my fav… lots of love from Meghalaya.
195: @whitedaydevi6917
Respect you so much, man.
196: @Coffissa-S0
I grew up on a farm. Nothing grosses me out. There are things I will not eat, however, I will watch you eat unspeakable foods! Love your channel.
197: @joeyfridays
Dude, please, I haven’t eaten in weeks and need your videos to help me! Video after video has been disgusting food, I’m dying over here. I beg you to upload a food truck video or something man, pls.
198: @Cave_Monkeys
Thank God Cambodia is not in there.
199: @small_omen
Sorry, Will, I haven’t been keeping up, but have you tried tamilok, or the coconut larvae, or the pig’s brain (Tuslob-buwa), etc.? That’ll surely be in this list, lol.
203: @edwardwestern6080
Should be a new series soon hopefully.
204: @Zejqa
I don’t think Sonny is capable of throwing up.
205: @goofysgobstopper
You should come to remote Canada and try beluga, narwhal, and seal.
206: @TimothyJohnsonYouTube
207: @sgt_slobber.7628
You, Sonny, are definitely a braver man than I! ;)
208: @vanidab8652
Stingray liver became #4?
209: @diegohurtadoq8546
You should try ?achi from Chile. It's like a salad with raw blood.
210: @DarrellHibbler
211: @DefyShorts
I miss watching your videos, I remember my dad, he died months ago.
212: @CodeProvider
Why did I decide to watch this while eating?
213: @Money-hz2jx
I would have to say chitterlings were the worst “food” I’ve ever had. Unfortunately, I agree with you when you said you know what shit tastes like!
You’re by far the bravest food reviewer on the internet. No hesitation whatsoever.
Couldn’t imagine using Bile as dip, just get horrible flashbacks of that taste of vomiting with nothing in your stomach.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
I like the fact that you actually consume the "food" no matter how disgusted you are. It's something most food reviewers would never attempt to.
I was expecting cucumber to be your #1.
I admire your ability to respect every food and flavor from around the world.
As a child, I was disgusted by pupa, but once I tried it, I actually loved the taste—though I could never eat it raw. In my area, the most common types of pupa come from cashew caterpillars and teak tree caterpillars.
The vein popping out when you were eating the cow liver.
Thank you for your honesty! Bet u couldnt wait to get these off your chest! We respect it! Also damn.....really respect your lack of gag reflexes.
One of the best episodes in 8 years I love your genuineness.
This really is the world’s best food review show. I love your show, and watching this recap of you eating your most disgusting is very funny. Thank you.
Hey Sonny! Keep posting please, if your videos get delayed, I get genuinely worried about you. May the almighty keep you and your family happy and safe.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
Your honest,brave,doesn't discriminate,doesn't hesitate etc...,I mean you're the best and if there's a global award for blogging you would win.
TWO from S.Korea? I’m so proud!
Honorable mention has to be that egg you ate @ PNG that face tou made still makes me laugh.
Fantastic as always. I love how you can hate a food and still keep a respectful view of those eating this way in their respective parts of the world. Just love your show Sunny. What a dream it would be to do this all over the world.
Every time we butchered something my dad made a point of showing us kids how to remove the gall blader without getting any bile on any part of the liver and getting it disposed of intact no way I would eat that, and even after spending 2/3 of my life in Alaska I can't stomach "stink fish", I don't eat bugs either. I've just never been a person who does something because everyone else does.
Sonny gets presented something disgusting and inedible
“Let’s do it!”
Love the mentality.
You are so brave and respectful! I can't imagine doing this myself, I just wouldn't be able! Well done to you! Respect!!!
Kudos to you You’re truly the man for “taking the bullet” for everyone watching.
He has balls of steel to be able to stomach these. I respect people’s culture and the food that comes with it, but you can’t convince me to eat it.
I would love to watch a story time of places Sonny has lived, what brought him there, and what he did for a living.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
This video went by in 2 seconds. Too good. My new favorite show of all time!
Thanks for taking all those "hits" from nasty food AND also showing us all the good stuff from cultures around the world.
7:12 why are you clapping? Is it someone’s birthday?
This is great! No matter whatever your food is, unless it is cooked, to me it is not food. Eating raw meat and bugs is disgusting for sure.
I'm from London and jellied eels are delicious! ... Everything else on this list grosses me out, although I would try them all once. I lived in Thailand for 1 year so I can relate to eating strange foods. We're all very different that's for sure. Man I love this channel!
Good work!
I've been invited for Swedish surstr?mning and F?r? Island fermented leg o' lamb - and in both cases my nostrils said no.
Probably the memory of digging into a Greenlandic soup bowl of yummy'ness that put me off.
Been watching you since the beginning and you're still my favorite! Awesome to see how far you guys have come!
You have balls of steel Sonny!!! I am Filipina and don’t eat half of the foods when I visit Pampanga and Quezon City!!! I can’t believe you ate the Pang Pang!!! Love your content, keep up the great work!
Sonny,你真是“鋼鐵之膽”?。?!我是菲律賓人,去邦板牙和奎松市時有一半的食物我都不吃!??!我簡直不敢相信你居然吃了Pang Pang?。?!超愛你的內(nèi)容,繼續(xù)加油!
I am from Assam, India and even I never eaten a live silkworm pupa, it’s actually not common to eat it raw. Anyways, love from Assam, do visit again.
My husband was worried that I watched too much of your food videos I will eat more and get fat. Don’t worry, you balanced it out with this one.
My mother was fed raw liver as a child 70 years ago as the dr recommended it as baby food. When I was a kid my grandma gave me raw lamb’s kidney, I just remember it being crunchy, earthy, and bloody. Thank goodness it’s not the norm now in Australia.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
You called my people, culture, and food disgusting. Thank you.
Seeing Sonny without a bandana in the beginning was not expected. I feel like I always see him wearing it hahaja.
Thank you Sonny for your sacrifice. My most favorite YouTuber ever.
You might want to try these:
1- Giant Isopod: lives on the bottom of the ocean (your sperm count might go down)
2- Shirako (Japan): sperm sack of fish (Cod, Puffer fish)
3- Fried Tarantulas (Cambodia)
4- White Ant Eggs (Laos)
5- Jelly Moose Nose (Canada)
6- Boshingtang (Korea)
7- Huitlacoche (Mexico)
8- Airag (Mongolia)
9- Casu Marzu (Italy): cheese digested by maggots
10- Fried Pig Brain Sandwiches (US)
11- Century Eggs (China)
12- Hakarl (Iceland): shark meat buried in the ground for 6-18 weeks, then dug up, hung out to dry.
I love how Sonny is able to keep a poker face and not gag when he eats all this stuff.
I wish I could say that I was adventurous enough to try (or even order) these foods...but I know I'm not. Props to you, Sonny!
Doing the helicopter in the bathroom because I decided to watch this during the morning ritual. Damn Sonny, you have eaten some crazy things.
I can't afford to miss out the next episode.
“Ya know, if you don’t look at it… nah never mind.”
At least Sonny will emote when certain foods are a bit distasteful versus acting like it's the best thing he'd ever tasted in life....(clears throat) Mark Wiens....lol
至少Sonny會對某些不太好吃的食物表現(xiàn)出真實的情緒,而不是裝作這是他人生中吃過的最棒的東西……(咳咳)Mark Wiens,哈哈。
Love your show brother. Thanks for taking one or two or ten for the team. Lol.
At this point, I think his digestive system has given up on the warning signals and cues that it normally gives (diarrhea - vomiting - nausea). It decided to just move on and hope for the best.
I remember when he said "I respect the chef."
Been around the world too and enjoyed many exotic meats. Be willing to try all Sonny has tried but don't know if I can keep a straight face, ya never know... God bless Sonny and his wonderfulness in all these worlds...
Sonny you need to live on the world's most popular cucumber dishes for 24 hours. I think that would be fun...for the viewers.
Remember that time Sonny questioned why all Musli... around the world aren’t exactly the same but never questioned the Christians in the same episode for digging up their dead relatives and partying with them?
I don’t want to try anything from this list. But salute to you for trying them for us.
Sunny. You make Andrew Zimmern proud with how you manage to find those bizarre foods!
Sunny,你尋找這些奇特食物的能力一定讓Andrew Zimmern感到驕傲!
Haven't watched this yet. But surely it's the Stingray liver. He never stops going on about it.
I'm surprised u didn't have Cowpoo soup on the list lol :)
Btw u should try Surstr?m fish from Sweeden :P
Next episode: 10 best tasting food (that you wouldn’t think you would like).
Clenching my teeth honestly don't know how you do it.
Sonny : you eat this?
Tribesman: Yes.
Sonny : but still it had a sh** on it.
Tribesman: Who cares!
For a long time stingray liver was your worst food. You leveled up bro...
I love all your videos, I love watching it, you are so hilarious, I find it so entertaining, love you Sonny from Philippines.
It’s so nice to hear you don’t like everything. You do tend to come across like you like everything.
Watching this episode while cooking lunch was maybe not the best idea, but I like to live dangerously.
Sonny does all this for us. We must appreciate this man much more than we already do.
If you ever need a sidekick man, I’m in New Jersey. I will eat anything. Try me. Haha ha.
I missed the armadillo episode so I didn’t see that coming!
I swear if Sonny says those foods are disgusting, trust him!!! He has eaten almost everything in this world.
Sonny is the very definition of 'Taking one for the team.'
He eats all these crazy and disgusting (at times) foods so we don’t have to but still kinda know what it’s like.
So a genuine thank you from here in Scotland, along with probably millions of people that watch in other countries too.
Where is Cucumber ...hahaha was expecting that as well.
I love watching all your videos, never missed one. Even if I watch over and over again. SONNY is the best, he adds humor over the worst food.
BEFRS is the new age fear factor but Sonny is not even doing it in competition.
Surstromming you have to eat!
You just make me laugh every time I watch you.
Another one of your videos that I’m gagging as I watch it.
Wow, Sonny you are amazing! You boldly go where my tastebuds would never, ever go! Is there any food that you would never eat (other than cucumbers)?
The one of the Kenyan tribe eating the cow raw really got me. I was thinking what I thought was the worst as I watched and just instantly my stomach flipped and eyes would not watch. But I don't even like shrimp so I have no room to talk. Ha.
I love you, bro. Keep up the good work. I’m a big fan.
Loved this one Sonny! Very surprised the stingray liver was number 4 on your list, was sure it would be number 1.
Watching this while having a lunch.
My mind: You're eating this, this is a bad idea.
Me: Proceed watching anyways.
Love all your video and these highlights of past shows are cool. Kinda behind the scenes stuff. I would actually love to watch a full series that follows not just your food reviews but the travels to these remote locations.
I was wondering when u were gonna mention the stingray liver…but it’s more fun watching you eat cucumber knowing how much you hate it.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
8:51 even the Peruvian guy hesitates to eat the kidney and Sonny just ate it whole.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
Watching your videos showed me that everything is eaten somewhere on earth.
I absolutely love that you are so respectful.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
What about the bear paw you had in Japan?
You are actually a very hardworking man Mr. Sunny.
Oh man, seeing you still alive now after all the foods you ate is amazing. You are so brave Sonny. Always like your content.
Being vegetarian, I still watch your show with pure happiness.
I always wonder & respect the way you respect weird foods & the ppl who eat them.
Surprised that poop juice soup didn't make the list, from Thailand I think?
You should make a video where you talk about the food that got you sick after lol.
Ngl, this channel makes me want to travel again.
Can't wait for new content. Soon you will travel with your family like Mark has.
I’m still waiting for the day my boy Sonny says “nope nope I’m not eating that $&@&!!!!” Guess I’ll keep waiting!! My respects my boy Sonny!!
Awesome content!!
And that's why BetterHelp is the sponsor for this video. You definitely need them after eating all that awesome stuff!! Hahaha.
I admire your ability to tolerate these foods! And love your respecting cultures around the world!
Jesus I thought that all these raw varieties from Ethiopia were overwhelmingly disgusting but it can definitely go much worse.
I burst into tears when he said I am eating shit right now.
Sonny I love your honesty. I think it's okay now to say SEA is the best foods.
Watched this with my 4 yr old daughter and she said she never wants to go to any of these places.
Lol watching this while having a meal was not the smartest idea...
I really can’t believe you did not mention the cow shit juice stew from the Philippines, it’s for sure a top 10.
How about a video of your top 10 favorite foods or the top 10 foods that made you sick!
I was 100% sure that number 1 going to be cucumber.
They should remake the dining scene in Temple of Doom not in India but at an imaginary nation with Sonny enjoying every cuisine.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
I appreciated this show.
That's some stronger-than-death will to stomach something you didn’t enjoy... boss.
Sunny is eating pho while letting us know the worst food he ate.
I'm subscribed because of your dedication to eat anything that is present.
McDonald's wasn’t on this list? You disappoint me Sonny!
You're a legend Sunny, don't ever change bro.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
A video Mark could never make.
I’ve been waiting for this video.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
Armadillo? That was a surprise, I thought the worst thing Sonny ate was the stingray liver.
I’m surprised cucumbers ain’t on the list.
Sonny, we the people of the internet salute you.
Wow, I’ve been watching Sonny for years now and I would have thought stingray liver would have been number 1, how very wrong lol. YOU ROCK BEFRS!!!
I have so much respect for you man! Most of the foods look delicious but these here would be so difficult to eat.
I love this channel so much.
Safe to say, silk worm, raw cow organ, bile, and stingray are not your thing?! Lol.
Haven’t watched yet. And I guess nr.1 will be cucumber.
I would've thought no.1 was cucumber.
Me and my father watched every one of your shows for the past 4 years... My father passed away on December 10th... I just hope all is well with you. I miss the videos.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
Thank you for your content. I really enjoy learning about the different cultures and food. You are very entertaining and respectful. I am quite adventurous with food and will try anything once. Well maybe not the Puffer fish, as I don’t want to take any chances! I like your attitude to food and your descxtions of it. Well done to you and your team for all of your hard work! Keep it up xx.
As a Brit I can tell you that eel jelly isn't a "thing that people love." No one eats eel.
It's safe to say Sonny doesn’t like raw foodstuff!
When you are filming these folks - do they know you are going to be featuring them in a video with the caption 'disgusting'?
There are few shows that make me laugh my ass off. This one does it every time.
"Slimy, yet satisfying."
Hakuna Matataaa!
127: @stevemumford6983
We eat stewed eels with pie mash and liquor (a type of parsley sauce cooked with the eel juice). The mash should be basic. All served in a big bowl-type plate with chili vinegar and salt and pepper. The jellied eels you were eating should be cold and needed lots of vinegar and pepper.
Kudos to you for being adventurous, curious, and brave enough to try these foods! I couldn’t imagine eating anything from this list. This isn’t meant to offend the people and culture who enjoy these foods, but just stating the facts I know of myself. It’s also amazing to see the variety of dishes from around the world that’s not generally appealing but still enjoyed by the locals.
Next time you're in Sardinia, try Casu Marzu.
BetterHelp only works for people inside the US. Everyone outside the US can’t use it.
“Your voice got really high.”
Omg the last time I came this early I upset my wife! Love your vids Sonny and the team!
By 11:00 my stomach is feeling funny and I can’t watch it anymore.
The only thing remaining is Sonny now becoming a Cannibal.
I thought that fermented fish you had that was kept in those barrels would make this list.
Of all the things, the bile made me gag just watching it! I can taste it without tasting it!!
You should do reviews of local packaged food that are popular, like ramen packets.
Human beings, that's what we are. I find different cultures and stories fascinating. One thing I hope never changes is the way of life and traditions. Believe that modern society should not change others to become modern—it’s their choice. And I love and respect that. What we need to focus on is a brighter, cleaner, healthier, more sustainable future, and we should all work together to make that happen.
I done the gallbladder dip with my friends from Laos. It was so bad. They had cow stomach there too, and it literally tasted like shit. And yeah, I was sick that night. Never again.
Oh Buddy, you messed up. You know how the internet gets, lol.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
Finally the video I expected most. I always wondered how this guy liked all foods no matter how disgusting it is to see.
Good work. Not everyone has to like everything.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
Now do top 10 most delicious foods from around the world!
Been waiting on this.
You have to try armadillo in Trinidad. It’s definitely prepared differently.
No. 3 fermented skate... damn, that episode was epic. But that skate, personally anything bitter is a no for me.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
8 years already?! I’ve been a follower for 6 years now?! Wow, has the time flown by.
Every time I watch you, I wish I was there to really enjoy the experience.
Why don’t you come to India? Seriously! I just discovered your channel yesterday, and I’ve already binge-watched so many of your videos! But here’s the thing—why do people from other countries seem obsessed with crispy, fried meat? Like, no offense, but most of it tastes like trash. Okay, maybe a few exceptions exist like chicken and crab. You need to try the flavors here—it’ll blow your mind...
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
He keeps such a straight face! Awesome.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
Word on the street, Calvin throws up on purpose just so he can taste the bile again.
When did you guys work with Sorted Food?
你們什么時候和《Sorted Food》合作的?
I puked bile once. Made me puke harder. To voluntarily EAT it? Nope. I like FOOD!
No other words but RESPECT.
Bro, I am surprised he has the courage to eat some of those, especially a live pupae.
Love your videos, but do you ever get sick eating some of these foods? You are a brave soul—I couldn’t do it.
You are a brave man. Thanks as usual.
I’m surprised you don’t like the Korean silkworm aka beondegi! I lived in Korea for 3 years and ate that almost weekly.
I think the armadillo might have had an illness or was just old… Idk, maybe that’s why it was bad. Even the local was like “yea it’s different this time.”
Like a grape… but not sweet.
You eat the foods I wouldn’t try. I’m glad you can, kuya.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
I am surprised the ray liver is as low on the list as it is. You seem to reference that one more than any other.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
I'm also from North-East India, Aizawl just near Assam, and your #10 cocoon is one of my favorite food in the world. But we don't eat it raw here, we fry it... And it’s… OMG… “Delicious”… The taste… The flavor… The crunchiness of the skin… The worst part is, you can’t buy it whenever you feel like it. It’s not available most times.
The guy in Peru is funny.
I was expecting cucumber on first place.
It's incredible your gag reflex though. I would not be able to eat bile or blood without gagging.
These thumbnails and title upxes are quite interesting.
Please try to get your shows on TV—they’re TV quality, so good!
I hope you go to Iceland this December for Thor Blaten.
希望你今年12月能去冰島參加“Thor Blaten”活動。
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
That's probably the ten most disgusting foods that Sonny ate THAT HE KNOWS OF. The most disgusting food that he's probably eaten are things that are too small to see, that sneak in on other things that he's eating, or when his mouth is wide open at night while he sleeps. You know, the stuff that makes you violently sick, and which might even put you in the hospital.
It's so funny to me how he'll eat raw things, and drink blood straight from an animal, but cucumbers are too far.
I enjoyed seeing old Sonny. The one that doesn’t say “I’m rich” every 5 minutes.
The worst thing I ever tasted was rancid chicken. It had been cooked but was rancid before being cooked, and the cook didn’t notice. 30 years on, and I swear I can still taste it.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
While I’m eating my breakfast.
I'm not surprised about the armadillo. It's sad they get hunted, but with that taste, you know some of the people doing it don’t really have that many options.
If you are not in the financial market space right now, you are making a huge mistake. I understand that it could be due to ignorance, but if you want to make your money work for you... prevent inflation...
You should make most bizarre/crazy foods you've eaten. I know raw monkey arms gotta be on there.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
Damn. I can never do that. That's why I just sit in the office doing my 8-5 job and going home crying myself to sleep.
Haven’t finished the vid yet but I’m assuming stingray liver tops the list!
Been waiting for you to post all week.
The hardest part is actually not spitting it out even though you hate it in front of the host. And you definitely haven’t done it so far.
Stingray liver is number 1. Guarantee it lMoo.
You a real one if you remember all these. I honestly thought the bear paw would have definitely made this list.
I’d have thought the wood worms in the Philippines were up there!
The raw cow stomach almost got me. That’s too much.
I always thought the stingray liver was your absolute Worst of all time!!
Love this show.
Nice, I can’t eat my dinner tonight. It’s good for my diet, hahahaha.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
Matty Matheson collab in the Maritimes of Canada! It’d be amazing!
和Matty Matheson在加拿大海洋省合作吧!一定會很棒!
Nothing I ever tasted made me feel worse than cooked onions. Funny thing, fresh or marinaded are totally fine. Swallow some of everyone’s favorite caramelized onions and everything comes right back out—no questions, no negotiations, nada, just out.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
Sunny, you are such a brave man!
Great episode! Love seeing you push your limits.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
I was waiting for “cucumber” number 1.
The first, my fav… lots of love from Meghalaya.
Respect you so much, man.
I grew up on a farm. Nothing grosses me out. There are things I will not eat, however, I will watch you eat unspeakable foods! Love your channel.
Dude, please, I haven’t eaten in weeks and need your videos to help me! Video after video has been disgusting food, I’m dying over here. I beg you to upload a food truck video or something man, pls.
Thank God Cambodia is not in there.
Sorry, Will, I haven’t been keeping up, but have you tried tamilok, or the coconut larvae, or the pig’s brain (Tuslob-buwa), etc.? That’ll surely be in this list, lol.
03:42 Bro ate cow raw stomach with shit on it? Hell, nah. I am never gonna eat these 10 foods.
Sonny, have you ever gotten really sick from eating any of these foods?
Finally, a new episode!
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
Should be a new series soon hopefully.
I don’t think Sonny is capable of throwing up.
You should come to remote Canada and try beluga, narwhal, and seal.
You, Sonny, are definitely a braver man than I! ;)
Stingray liver became #4?
You should try ?achi from Chile. It's like a salad with raw blood.
I miss watching your videos, I remember my dad, he died months ago.
Why did I decide to watch this while eating?
I would have to say chitterlings were the worst “food” I’ve ever had. Unfortunately, I agree with you when you said you know what shit tastes like!
Zimbabwean here—we do the raw cow stomach thing. I hate it, tried it once, never again.