Why is Cool Japan failing?

George Géal-Killy
Japan is my home
Because of lack of vision, lack of common sense, very poor knowledge of the international tourism market.
Cool Japan was based mainly on pleasing otaku like people. People who are interested in subcultures. As a result Japan advertised on clichés, niche markets and mass consumption. Which is a shame because Japan has so much more to offer. They didn't invest enough on what the average tourist wants/needs (affordable air ticket fares, public transportation, accommodation, adapted assistance, touristic attractions, interaction with the locals….) Not enough to become relevant in terms of mass tourism.
The subcultures they based their communication on are usually not seen so positively in Japan. Thus it's only common sense that they don't federate more than that abroad.
The tendency worldwide for the average tourist is quality tourism and authenticity. The price/quality ratio is very important. But in Japan the service level is not worth the money paid for it. Especially for accommodation and cultural activities. No need to cross the world to simply go shopping.
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原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網 http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
As a result, only those who already have some vested interests in Japan and those close by like the Koreans and Chinese, bother to make the trip.
For the others, they'd rather go to Thailand, Malaysia, China etc…. or elsewhere in the world.
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原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網 http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
And as usual Japan failed to take the globalization train wagon.
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原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網 http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
The last Terrie's take issue describes perfectly the process of how Japan loses market shares because of that. And it's a often the same scenario.
TT-927 (Tourism Edition) - How JTB Lost Control of Japan's Inbound Hotels Business - Terrie Lloyd
TT-927旅游版-JTB如何失去對日本入境酒店業(yè)務的控制-Terrie Lloyd
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網 http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
TT-927旅游版-JTB如何失去對日本入境酒店業(yè)務的控制-Terrie Lloyd
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網 http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
Cool Japan is not a failure. It was simply totally misguided to believe that it was the right strategy to make Japan attractive to the world.
Randall Weatherall
Because it encourages people to go there as the main point.
Because it encourages people to go there as the main point.
A usual ticket to Japan will be anywhere from 1000USD to 1800USD unless you live in Asia already; the people they are advertising to typically do not have the kind of money for that ticket, let alone for the money for the inflated hotel costs, travel, and goddies they are being convinced to buy.
I know my answer is simple, but even more simply: wrong message to the wrong audience.
Advertise the buying of Japanese products or viewing of Japanese media (offering translations of popular channels and news outlets would help) to make a more general audience open to the idea of even paying attention to the country. Instead, it is a push for tourism in a very hard-to-reach place (expensive=difficult in this sense).
Deep enthusiast of Japan
Deep enthusiast of Japan
There's one part of Cool Japan Fund Inc. that has failed for sure.
Cool Japan Fund Inc(酷日本基金作為實體運作的公司)。某一部分已經明確失敗了。
Cool Japan Fund Inc(酷日本基金作為實體運作的公司)。某一部分已經明確失敗了。
In early 2015, Sky Perfect JSAT Corporation and Cool Japan Fund established a company called Wakuwaku Japan Corporation with Cool Japan holding 40% of the shares.
2015年初,Sky Perfect JSAT Corporation和Cool Japan Fund成立了一家名為哇酷哇酷日本的公司,Cool Japan持有40%的股份。
2015年初,Sky Perfect JSAT Corporation和Cool Japan Fund成立了一家名為哇酷哇酷日本的公司,Cool Japan持有40%的股份。
This was to expand the TV channel called Wakuwaku Japan TV that had launched exclusively in Indonesia in 2014. The Japanese government had allocated funds amounting to 15.5 billion yen (or approximately US $126.17 million) to finance the channel. [1]
這是為了擴大2014年在印度尼西亞獨家推出的名為哇酷哇酷日本TV的電視頻道。日本政府已撥款155億日元(約合1.2617 億美元)為該頻道提供資金。[1]
這是為了擴大2014年在印度尼西亞獨家推出的名為哇酷哇酷日本TV的電視頻道。日本政府已撥款155億日元(約合1.2617 億美元)為該頻道提供資金。[1]
Cool Japan Fund made investments in partnership with Sky Perfect JSAT to spread Japanese entertainment media outside Japan.
Cool Japan Fund與Sky Perfect JSAT合作進行投資,將日本娛樂傳媒推廣到日本境外。
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網 http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
Cool Japan Fund與Sky Perfect JSAT合作進行投資,將日本娛樂傳媒推廣到日本境外。
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網 http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
Here’s Cool Japan Fund's article in this regard: Projects Report Vol.2| Our Practice where they have boasted a lot.
以下是Cool Japan Fund在這方面的宣傳報道:Projects Report Vol.2| Our Practice,他們在其中大肆吹噓。
以下是Cool Japan Fund在這方面的宣傳報道:Projects Report Vol.2| Our Practice,他們在其中大肆吹噓。

They had actually made a press release in March 2015 providing all their details including their aims and obxtives. You can access the full document here : WakuwakuJapan.pdf
On top of that, they could reach to mostly smaller Asian countries like Sri Lanka, Singapore, Myanmar, Taiwan, Mongolia.
One thing that severely surprised and personally agitated me a lot is that, they could launch in Sri Lanka and Myanmar which are India's neighboring countries and a smaller market, but couldn't launch in India.
Their aim of expanding to 22 countries has been a crashing failure. I asked one friend in Japan who has contacts with someone working in WWJ Corp, and got to know that the company is facing some internal issues.
他們擴展到22個國家的目標徹底失敗了。我問了一位在日本的朋友,他與WWJ Corp的工作人員有聯(lián)系,了解到該公司正面臨一些內部問題。
他們擴展到22個國家的目標徹底失敗了。我問了一位在日本的朋友,他與WWJ Corp的工作人員有聯(lián)系,了解到該公司正面臨一些內部問題。
Instead of trying to expand to other nations, they thought of “doubling” the carriage via OTT (live streaming) in existing countries. (WAKUWAKU JAPAN doubles carriage in Vietnam with 2 OTT platforms & increases Vietnamese subtitling to 100% from January 1, 2019).
他們沒有嘗試吧把服務擴展到其他國家,而是考慮通過OTT(流媒體直播)在現(xiàn)有國家“倍增”傳輸量。 (WAKUWAKU JAPAN通過2個OTT流媒體平臺將越南的電視傳輸量翻了一番,并從2019年1月1日起提供越南語字幕)。
他們沒有嘗試吧把服務擴展到其他國家,而是考慮通過OTT(流媒體直播)在現(xiàn)有國家“倍增”傳輸量。 (WAKUWAKU JAPAN通過2個OTT流媒體平臺將越南的電視傳輸量翻了一番,并從2019年1月1日起提供越南語字幕)。
But they forgot to understand that they can use this OTT streaming to easily expand to other nations. Especially nations like USA, India, Brazil and Germany have a large and growing OTT & Digital/Internet TV industry. (Indian OTT market to reach $5 billion in size by 2023, says BCG report).
但他們似乎忘記了,他們可以利用這種OTT流媒體把服務輕松擴展到其他國家。尤其是美國、印度、巴西和德國等國家,其OTT 和數(shù)字/互聯(lián)網電視行業(yè)規(guī)模龐大且不斷增長。(BCG報告稱,到2023年,印度OTT市場規(guī)模將達到50億美元)。
但他們似乎忘記了,他們可以利用這種OTT流媒體把服務輕松擴展到其他國家。尤其是美國、印度、巴西和德國等國家,其OTT 和數(shù)字/互聯(lián)網電視行業(yè)規(guī)模龐大且不斷增長。(BCG報告稱,到2023年,印度OTT市場規(guī)模將達到50億美元)。
But Cool Japan Fund and Wakuwaku Japan Corporation failed to understand the international markets. They failed to promote and expand Japanese entertainment to more number of viewers. This is in turn failure on part of not only Cool Japan, but also Sky Perfect JSAT, Japanese TV studios and also the Japanese government's lack of interest in promoting Japanese entertainment.
但Cool Japan Fund和Wakuwaku Japan Corporation未能了解國際市場。他們未能向更多觀眾推廣和擴大日本娛樂。這不僅是Cool Japan的失敗,也是Sky Perfect JSAT、日本電視工作室的失敗,更是日本政府對推廣日本娛樂產業(yè)缺乏興趣的失敗。
但Cool Japan Fund和Wakuwaku Japan Corporation未能了解國際市場。他們未能向更多觀眾推廣和擴大日本娛樂。這不僅是Cool Japan的失敗,也是Sky Perfect JSAT、日本電視工作室的失敗,更是日本政府對推廣日本娛樂產業(yè)缺乏興趣的失敗。
This indifferent and careless attitude of Japanese Corporations is the reason why the entertainment and media industry is falling behind Korean and American ones. No wonder why Korean entertainment and American entertainment have more popularity and viewership; it's because those countries know how to tap international markets and promote properly.
upxe: Wakuwaku Japan ceased its international operations on 31st March 2022. This project is thus marked as closed unsuccessful.
[1] Japanese TV Program Channel WakuWaku Japan is Ready to Air This Month
[2] How to Watch | WAKUWAKU JAPAN
[1] Japanese TV Program Channel WakuWaku Japan is Ready to Air This Month
[2] How to Watch | WAKUWAKU JAPAN
Earl Kinmonth
The LDP leadership is NOT old in comparative terms. Is 63. Trump is 71. His competition was Clinton age 70 and Sanders age 76. Both the US House and US Senate are very seniority based.
The LDP leadership is NOT old in comparative terms. Is 63. Trump is 71. His competition was Clinton age 70 and Sanders age 76. Both the US House and US Senate are very seniority based.
But, this is actually irrelevant because the LDP does not run the Japan Cool program and elected politicians are far less powerful than the bureaucracy.
In 2009 the DPJ ran on a platform that emphasized taking back power from the bureaucracy. It tried and failed.
The average age of bureaucrats, the people who really run this country, is relatively low because the customary retirement age is in the fifty range. The figureheads who front for organizations in Japan may be on the high side of the curve but the locus of power in Japanese organizations tends to be in the middle ranks who are considerably young then the nominal heads.
An argument based on age is specious in this context.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網 http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網 http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
The Japan Cool program was not set up to promote tourism. It can’t fail at a task it does not have.
“Cool Japan Fund was founded in November 2013 as a public-private fund with the aim of supporting and promoting the development of demand overseas for excellent Japanese products and services. Cool Japan Fund aims to commercialize the “Cool Japan” and increase overseas demand by providing risk capital for businesses across a variety of areas, including media & content, food & services, and fashion & lifestyle.”
“Cool Japan Fund成立于2013年11月,是一家公私合營基金,旨在支持和促進海外對優(yōu)質日本產品和服務的需求發(fā)展。Cool Japan Fund通過為媒體和內容、食品和服務以及時尚和生活方式等各個領域的企業(yè)提供風險資本,將“Cool Japan”商業(yè)化并增加海外需求?!?/b>
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網 http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
“Cool Japan Fund成立于2013年11月,是一家公私合營基金,旨在支持和促進海外對優(yōu)質日本產品和服務的需求發(fā)展。Cool Japan Fund通過為媒體和內容、食品和服務以及時尚和生活方式等各個領域的企業(yè)提供風險資本,將“Cool Japan”商業(yè)化并增加海外需求?!?/b>
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網 http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
What is Cool Japan Fund?
什么是 Cool Japan Fund?
什么是 Cool Japan Fund?
An argument can be made that the CJF has failed in its nominal task, but that is a question separate from the promotion of tourism.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網 http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網 http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
That the tourists who come to Japan are predominantly from other Asian countries does not strike me as a failure. I would think that the whole point of tourism from our side is to make money and money is money whether it is pounds, dollars, or yuan.
While expensive airfares may deter people from outside the region, that is not something the JCF can do anything about. Further, the quoted amounts are on the high side. I just got back from Britain flying standard economy and paying the standard fare. The cost was roughly six hundred pounds. Presumably someone could come from Britain or continental European countries to Japan for about the same amount.
Speaking as a Japanese resident and citizen, I would be quite happy if Japan failed to attract more tourists. They make life very unpleasant in some areas and far too much of the employment associated with tourism is at the low end of the pay spectrum. Tourism as a quick economic fix allows policy makers to put off dealing with fundamental structural problems.
很贊 ( 3 )
The Cool Japan campaign and the fund are not the same thing. As a propaganda campaign, Cool Japan has succeeded very well. The fund has probably invested in ventures that make no money, no surprise there.
Cool Japan活動和基金不是一回事。作為一項宣傳活動,Cool Japan取得了很大的成功。該基金可能投資了一些不賺錢的企業(yè),這并不奇怪。
Knows Japanese
Well who watches NHK nowadays? Old folks maybe? the time this particular program is aired is a also badly targeted. who are they targeting? I personally avoid this channel due to their sketchy way of charging for “Broadcast Right”
Studied at Japan
It is? t seems to be doing very well if you ask me. Akihabara is packed. There are countless foreigners who come to Japan just for Cool Japan. I see them myself. Whoever said it was "failing" doesn't know a thing.
在我看來,該政策似乎效果很好。秋葉原人滿為患。無數(shù)外國人來到日本就是為了看Cool Japan。我親眼見過。說它“失敗”的人根本就不懂。
Diploma in Travel & Toursim, IATA/UFTAA Foundation,Consultant Courses (Graduated 2020)
my answer might not be very much relevant to the question, but I think its relate to many other people,….I used to love Japan too much, I still do, but after I got into Kpop, I have been too much into South Korea more than Japan, I wanted to re-balance thing and to like Japan like Korea again, so I start listening to Jpop, but its seriously suck, the songs aren’t as good as Kpop, Mvs are made poorly and nothing compared to Kpop, Kpop MVs are made by professional and its obvious they have huge budget and paying more than the Japanese on creating MVs, in conclusion, Jpop is nothing compared to Kpop, and the hallyu wave was studied and done better than cool Japan, I think my experience can relate to many people in being into Korean pop culture more than Japan pop culture, but I hope Japan could improve and made a good content on cool Japan without losing touch with who they are and become so Westernized like Kpop and Korea
旅游與觀光文憑、IATA/UFTAA 基金會、顧問課程(2020年畢業(yè))
我的回答可能與問題不太相關,但我認為它與許多其他人有關……我以前太愛日本了,現(xiàn)在仍然如此,但在我接觸Kpop之后,我對韓國的喜愛超過了對日本的喜愛,我想重新平衡一下,再次像喜歡韓國一樣喜歡日本,所以我又開始聽Jpop,但它真的很爛,歌曲不如Kpop好聽,MV制作得很差,與Kpop相比啥也不是,Kpop MV是由專業(yè)人士制作的,很明顯他們有超大的預算,在制作 MV上比日本人付出的更多,總之,Jpop與Kpop相比根本不算什么,韓流和日本相比,對酷炫的文化研究得更好,我想我的經歷可以與許多人產生共鳴,他們更喜歡韓國流行文化而不是日本流行文化,但我希望日本能夠改進提升,在酷日本上制作出好的內容,避免出現(xiàn)丟失自己文化身份,變得像韓國流行音樂,或者像韓國那樣西化的情況。
HMMm, that’s odd. Every inbound tourists mostly Caucasians descent that have met over the year in the country tells me they visit Japan for its culture, the food,tourist attraction places such as the natural hot bath places as the “onsens” everywhere in Japan. Not many tourists met and that I asked say they are-NOT- Otaku genre. We already have visitors surpassing 28 million and in order to accommodate them,we need to slowly expand inbounds number. Also did you know that they are many ‘low-priced” hotel chains across Japan that you can stay for as low as US$40~50 per night? And also, where in the world top cities such as N.Y., London, Madrid, Paris, that you can get a hot lunch for arounds $5~6 bucks any days? So taking your point in perspective, there are more than that. Lack of vision and lack of common sense? Well everyone is entitled to their opinion I guess but we are moving to welcome tourists visiting us slowly…
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網 http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
HMMm, that’s odd. Every inbound tourists mostly Caucasians descent that have met over the year in the country
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網 http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網 http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
He’s a very good example why Japan is failing
Visitors who want to stay in $40 hotel rooms and eat $5 lunches are not high-class, I guess Japan wants to attract mainly people from poorer countries with your strategy?
One theme I find that is being repeated again and again with regards to Japan and the role it wants to play in the world is that Japan always reserve its best for domestic consumption, while it offers its second rate goods to the rest of the world. There is a large number of people here in Taiwan as well as China and Hong Kong that frequently make shopping trips to Japan. They are not coming to Japan to buy uniquely traditional Japanese things like kimonos, bamboo fans or the like. They are coming to buy electronic goods, dry goods and other stuffs for everyday consumption. Japanese companies offers similar goods in their countries for sale but they are usually third rate. A lot of them simply contract manufacturers in China and southeast Asia to make generic products of low quality and slap on the Japanese company’s mark on them and sell them in Asian countries. However they are of lower quality and people there realize that if you really want to buy high quality, Japanese designed products with stringent Japanese specifications, you have to buy them in Japan. Korean and increasingly Chinese manufacturers are doing the exact opposite and found much success in the world market. Meanwhile, Japanese companies are losing their market shares and tarnishing their brand good will they have worked hard to build from the 1960’s to the 1980’s.
Japan always reserve its best for domestic consumption, while it offers its second rate goods to the rest of the world.