Why Singapore Is Insanely Well Designed

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The population density issue is very important. Housing is 99% apartments in Singapore, but LA is sprawling single family homes.
As a singaporean i personally enjoy the train system (MRT) in singapore. Its pretty quick and can take you almost everywhere you want to go. Its also pretty efficient and the train frequency is also not too bad :)
I was born in a third world country and I remember how crowded the train was, how loud everything was and being super hot all the time. When my family came to Singapore when I was 9, I remember being amazed by how comfortable both the mrt and the bus were. The fact that both keep on improving is something I appreciate since we’ve never owned a car.
As a Singaporean, I used to hate Singapore because I didn't do well in school and was very stressed out due to the intense competition. As I grew older and learned about economics and politics etc., I realised that Singapore is rly one of the best places (when you take everything like safety etc. into consideration) to live in the world. Super grateful rn :)
Fun fact, every tree in Singapore has a “name” or tag, it is usually for the government agency to keep track of trees and their health. Nparks is the agency that usually carries out all the greens in Singapore, checking and keeping the greenery’s scattered around the land safe and protected.
For building projects, every tree they cut is billed, every tree they move is also billed. Cutting a tree is more expensive than changing a tree location.
Cutting a tree can cost about 5-7k depending on its size! So builders who choose to cut instead of moving the tree will pay a hefty price!
Malaysian here and I can only say bravo Singapore, I'm happy for you guys but also envious at the same time. Happy for the fact that you guys are one of the best cities in the world even after all the shit we put you through, and envious because you guys actually have a functioning government that cares for the people without being corrupted and crazy over power!
After our recent General Election, I can only foresee that Malaysia will go further into the trenches while SIngapore keeps advancing further and further away from us... If only we had a government like you guys do, things would definitely be so much different. Whatever it may be, keep going Singapore, Majulah Singapura!
Everyone talks about trains but I also want to give a huge shoutout to improvements in our bus system - did you know that every single bus stop in Singapore comes with a upxed board that tells you 1) the bus numbers that arrive at this stop 2) the FULL list of stops that EACH bus number goes to?
As a local, this is something really amazing to me; when I use google maps and they tell me where to get off, I just go to the bus stop board and check if I'm headed the right direction. I've travelled to other major cities in Asia and I really feel our bus system, down to our bus stop experiences, are so thoughtfully planned! I've not seen another city where the bus stops are so informative and clean!
Every bus stop has a city bin that's been emptied often by city cleaners.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
Metros in Asia are just way more efficient than US. Not just Singapore, just go to Taipei, HK, Shanghai, Seoul, Tokyo, Osaka, Beijing etc. the dense populations of the urban areas makes metro systems a priority for the government.
Love Singapore. I've been there 4 times, always have a good visit. Like here in Japan, public transportation actually WORKS! They also have tremendously large underground shopping areas (again like Japan) which can double as public shelters in bad weather or other dangerous conditions. The city where I live, Kobe, Japan, is also undertaking new projects to 'green' it and improve our city with more parks, walking-only streets leading through downtown areas, etc. for natural comfort and long-term livability. The designers may have based their ideas on Singapore's changes over the years...
As an american currently living in singapore for studying the metro surprised me. I don't take a taxis and I rarely take the buses. The metro is always my go to! Makes me want to stay here after my study and live here for the rest of my life!
People can complain and say that the government is authoritarian and it is very expensive to live in Singapore. But no country is perfect, and as a Singaporean, you can live quite happily even if you're not wealthy. The stable government with one ruling party for over 50 years, with the ultimate goal of success, proved that governments around the world needed to work towards a single goal, and not just opposing one another just for the sake of it. Other parties challenge them so that they can be kept on their toes. Other than that, some rules such as the COE and high cost of living are just sacrifices we as Singaporeans accept, in exchange for efficient traffic flow, higher standards of living, higher minimum wages, etc. We love to complain about our life here, but honestly, its just because we have nothing else to complain about.
Singaporean here. What the govt did and has always been doing for a long time, is going to different cities to learn and these ideas feed into a Singapore-centric matrix where certain ideas are implemented. So basically we learn the good and the bad and we took what was beneficial and urban planning is huge here.
The value of those covered walkways throughout the city can’t be underestimated. They’re similar to those in Hong Kong which are a modern marvel.
Instead of finding your way by-foot on sidewalks, the walkways are like mini-highways that connect all major areas of the city & seemlessly blend into & through buildings, parks, malls, metro & ship stations, and the air-conditioned subterranean shopping & transport systems.
Just a fun fact that I love to share, NEWater or treated waste water is so much purer compared to tap water that it is used mostly in industries where high purity clean water is required such as in chip and wafer manufacturing.
Seeing a lot more Singapore content recently, and while I definitely have been searching/looking into content related to the city, it feels like people are appreciating the city more. Not sure if Singaporeophile is a word but I’d describe myself as one, very impressed by the city.
Simple, the US hasn't cared nor does care about public transportation. It's all about cars, cars, cars. Metro sucks, trains suck, buses suck. It's the difference between designing a city with a focus on public transportation Vs doing it with a focus on oil profits.
I just came back from a 2 week stay in Singapore. This video is absolutely correct. I saw maybe one or two petrol/gas stations, and there are a lot of covered walkways. You only see expensive cars (Porsche, Benz, Lamborghini, etc) or taxi cabs on the road. I was told it was because of the car taxes, prices, 10 year registration, etc.
Everyone lives in public housing, but they are really nice and have gardens on some levels, trees and flowers growing on the buildings. I was told the President's Wife spearheaded the effort to plant flowers on every building. It is a really, really, clean, beautiful city.
Also, the Marquee Singapore Nightclub was the best club I've ever been in. It had a 4 story video wall behind the DJ, a Ferris wheel on the 3rd floor with a slide down to the bathrooms. It was amazing!
A lot of Singapore's wonderful modern efficient systems are taken for granted by Singaporeans. There's a lot of things I love and hate about my country of Singapore but I count my blessings everyday I was very fortunate to be born and raised here. We're a very tiny dot in the world but I honestly wouldn't to really live anywhere else.
I believe safety is also the main factor in the differences in ridership. Every metro system that I visited in Asia is clean, safe (day or night), and uses by all classes of people. I can't say the same for America for obvious reasons.
It's quite simple - Singapore, like the Netherlands, has an integrated transport, infrastructure and land use network with a political system that's relatively stable and all the land owned by the state. America and Britain, in contrast, have a fragmented infrastructure network, awful planning and a political system that favours individuals over the collective thus, everything is more difficult to deal with, ultimately raising costs and delays. It's not rocket science why Singapore and the Netherlands work in favour of its people, not the privileged few.
I live in Singapore and there's an MRT station 10 mins away by foot from my house, the way there is almost completely sheltered. I find it pretty convenient already, but then they're in the midst of building another MRT station just 5 mins away by foot. It'll be even easier to get to the other side of Singapore in the future.
Having grown up in Singapore and used public transport and it’s amazing road infrastructure, has set a gold standard for me …. Moving out of the country to Pune my birthplace with currently inhumane levels of road traffic and pollution has triggered a condition called ‘Road traffic anxiety’ in me it’s Real, I really feel bad for myself and the people of this city, whose ancestors didn’t have a vision for how shit things could get, if they didn’t regulate private vehicles and invest in public transport. Pune had great environment, weather, natural resources but sadly no Vision, and it set on a self destructive path. In the same time SG with little means but visionary leaders, built truly one of the best cities in the world, I love both the cities , but I can see a future in one and abyss in the other
I lived there for a number of years in the 80's and was always impressed at their logical, analytic planning. They learned from the mistakes of other countries! Bravo! It may have been expensive, but I loved it. I miss it and praise it to my friends all the time.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
recently i tried walking home from my current school all the way back home to realise it takes around 50 mins. but while using public transport its shortened to around 15 to 20 mins. im really grateful that there is public transport almost everywhere in singapore because it really makes our travelling so much easier.
My goodness, this is one of the most accurate, comprehensive yet concise info videos of Singapore. Superbly done!! Perhaps just to add: S'pore was humble enuf to acknowledge that they did not have the expertise to urban plan, so they sought UN's help to better understand land use and then transportation options resulting in a first Sg Concept Plan in 1971, Sg similarly sought advice on economic matters too. One thing it decided on its own is to be the most open and least corrupt place to do business (in regards to the other less attractive places in SE-Asia at the time.
Thank you for featuring Singapore, it is amazing to see my home country being showcased. The government has really stepped up on improving green spaces in Singapore in recent years, alot of colourful plants are now planted along streets to beautify the area and encourage walking. It is not perfect living here and stress levels are very high as a student but you can tell that the government is trying their best. As a citizen, I can really appreciate living here
I really love how Singapore government implemented certain rules to keep the country advantageous to its population. For example, the easy public transportation that makeup for the expensive cost of buying cars. Also fine for littering to keep city clean. A lot of it effected Singapore environment in a huge size which not found in a lot of cities with the same population.
The last part of the video shows a big con of democracy. Having opposing parties and quick turnover like the US just means that most proposals are just outright denied or cancelled once the next party takes over. This also leads politicians to just pander to voters without actually keeping promises just because they only want votes. How can you run a country well when every plan you make is opposed and you only have less than 4 or 8 years to do it.
Tx for an awesome video. Sustainable development rests on 3 pillars - enviro integrity, economic prosperity & social justice. Singapore ticks most boxes. One challenge not covered in your video was the eradication of corruption in all aspects of urban governance.
Other great cities that has made sustainable urban planning, development & management a priority include Curitiba, Medellin, Bogota & Tirana. There are great cities in Scandanavia, but being wealthy developed countries, there are fewer challenges & solutions are less holistic & complete - usually focused around urban mobility & inclusive street design.
I've ridden LA's metro system, but it's... not great. It's always dirty, smells bad, and is full of panhandlers and homeless people. Sexual harassment and theft are rampant. Most of the stations are purposefully designed to be "honor system" so nobody bothers to pay fares. I don't begrudge the people just looking for a sheltered place to sleep, but the trains and stations are crawling with people who are out to harass and bother others. The system would enjoy more ridership if it was known to be cleaner and less dangerous.