The Flu May Cause Alzheimer's
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If viral infections in adults increases chances of neurodegenerative diseases in adults what about in children?
Asking as someone who had mono in Pre-K.
Virus infections, like the flu, can cause a lot of later illnesses. Hashimoto might also get triggered by such.
Go figure, another case of prevention is better and likely cheaper than treatment.
As someone who got COVID twice, and also got the vaccines , this is pretty sucky to hear
My family always believed my father got Alzheimers due to a severe bout of Scarlet fever as a child.
Vaccines truly are one of the most beneficial inventions in human history.
So because I caught the flu at 22 I need to think about catching Alzheimers someday?
A super worrying video title for me who's caught some sort of respirotary viral infection every month since September; I'm literally sick every month.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處
Viruses are lixed to many diseases. They really arent benign and should be avoided if possible. Vaccines could save you from more than the initial infection.
My older brother gave me cold sores as a baby. My mom kept telling him not to kiss me, but he did anyway. I'm pretty upset about it as I was a completely helpless baby who couldn't consent and now I have to live with this for the rest of my life. Stg that if I get any kind of dementia from it...
I luckily don't plan to live so long that I'd get Parkinson's. But also how do people even get the Flu. Like I had C*vid several times and some really bad colds but never a flu, idk how people have it every year.
Dirty teeth and strep throat cause neuro and cardiac diseases.
Great video.
Vaccination and treatments are definitely vital- but why neglect to mention respirator masks and clean are as preventive measures? Both are easy and effective ways to lower tve risk of infection and lower viral loads.
Damn, great news to hear when my mom is antivax and I got the flu every single year not to mention the terrible brain fog I've got now. It feels like I'm a different person now, my capabilities are just so different.
Youre telling me that having a severe infection that beats the crap out of your brain could potentially lead to your brain breaking down later in life? SHOCKER. Truly, a revolutionary epiphany.
(Could you feel the sarcasm in there? Because I REALLY really meant it.)
I wonder how many studies are/will look at these diseases conecting to Covid
Wear your respirators people! Good quality masks will save your life and brain.
Nice to hear some positive news in the world of public health I didnt expect to see anything for 4 years while the Secretary of Health and Human Services has the nations collective head in the sand.
One paper I read had the theory that each flu/bad cold kills some neurons. This is okay, but with getting sick over the years, the loss of neurons adds up until it isn't okay (heavily paraphrased). Regardless, you could say that it is a lack of fitness, because fit people get sick less. See: "A 2024 study found that people who exercise regularly are much less likely to get COVID-19 or be hospitalized with it, compared with people who don't exercise regularly." The new hotness is Alzheimer's is a vascular disease. So, virus or fitness, either way exercise is the solution.
Flu injections don't stop the infection only lessons the symptoms & duration so the working don't take as much time off. To some it doesn't affect the virus at all. Specifically where the autoimmune system attacks everything, good or bad.
The fact that spike protein can lead to rapid onset vascular dementia was very helpful to eliciting this!
It would be great to include non pharmaceutical interventions as prevention as well! Respirators, air purifiers, and paid sick leave all make meaningful differences in breaking chains of transmission.
I dont get the flu, covid, or mono since I wear n95 masks. I dont get herpes for another reason
Studies and people have been yelling about it since like the first year of covid. Luckily masks are effective against all of them especially the flu
My grandparents both had dementia, got their flu shots every year, and were never sick. Viruses like the flu, mono, and HSV-1 are so common, how can you reliably make a connection? You can find data, and anecdotes, supporting either way.
Keep in mind that there are other post viral infections that can cause similar symptoms, many people that have ME/CFS developed that disease after an Epstein-Barr infection that disease causes brain fog and severe fatigue and muscle and neurological symptoms so this is not a stretch at all to patients that are familiar with me/cfs and similar conditions. Furthermore, that disease has been so grossly ignored underfunded, and un research for literally decades. How much further would we be in other medical research if somebody had paid attention to all the patients that have been begging for help its such a complex disease with so many different facets that its turning out that theres lixs and similarities to so many other major conditions. That is the only bright spot coming off of Covid is that people are finally starting to pay attention and looking at ME/CFS and long Covid research.
I guess well have to hope some other nation finds out about this and tells us in America.
Too bad that in the USA they're actually talking about taking away funding for flu vaccines and a meeting was just canceled regarding the next seasonal flu vaccine
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處
But arent people who are elderly now a well-vaccinated group?
They should get a dataset from Japan. A country were vaccination and mask wearing while ill is common. I would suppose the relationship between infections and NDDs would be more obvious.
I cant stop relating this to prions for some reason. Its improperly folded goo lol
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處
Childfree people could be useful in trials. I get WAY fewer viruses than my siblings with kids. And my parents with grandkids. Probably a quarter of the frequency which is a lot of flus over a lifetime.
shout-out to all my fellow flu sufferers!
i got the flu vaccine, still got it, but let's hope we don't get alzheimers until we're 105!
While at the same time the US government is cutting research funding ....
I've never had the flu.im 67years old.dont know why.never had a flu prick. And no covid. Tested 5 times family positive me negative. Negative. How.
Pneumonia vaccine is protective against Streptococcus Pneumoniae, a bacteria not a virus.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處
This is what ME/CFS researchers have been saying for a decade now. Glad to see it being picked up.
Sorry but I think whatever sets off the NDD is contagious AND the NDD and some cancers are contagious too.
Yet another reason why getting vaccinated and wearing a mask is so important!
If only there was a way to make your doctor take your symptoms seriously before its too late :(
Oh that's great to see pop up in my recommendations while I'm battling the worst flu I've ever had.
i am lying on the couch with the flu....not a video i wanted to see.
Ah, thanks... I thought this would be about flu (which I've only ever had a couple of times).
Instead, it's about a number of illnesses - including Shingles, which has been reinfecting me for over 40 years, and Mono, which put my son in hospital.
I wish I hadn't clicked on this now
Highly speculative. The video presenter is correct that highly prent diseases could correlate to a lot of things, and being able to reproduce the result across different countries reduce the odds of that a bit; but they're talking about over 40 types of common viral infections, and a lot of people get these infections across all countries, so reproducing the results across countries is not enough to rule out the possibility that the correlation is spurious. This video makes it sound like we have pretty good reasons to think that viral infections cause NDD's, but it seems far from it. It doesn't help science when the media over-sell scientific results. Let science do its job.
What is a regular person supposed to do with this piece of information? Freakout a bit whenever they get hospitalized by the flu? And what would that be based on? Correlative data that's still getting vetted? I think it's fine to release news for the sake of entertainment ... but the headline for this video is saying "X could be the CAUSE for one of the most terrifying disease you'll ever face", and that seems more like a headline designed to inform and raise awareness, as if people need to take public action.
The last point I want to make is this video should be more careful about statements of "causation". What we have here is statistical correlation, and correlation is still a powerful reason to take action when there's enough scrutiny and data, but if we do not have confidence in knowing the mechanisms for causation ... then it's NOT a causal theory. It's still just correlation dressed in the word "cause", which often makes people feel more justified in their beliefs than perhaps they should be (feeling justified to take extreme actions or inaction). The word "cause" is a powerful idea, and we should not abuse it.
Not at all the video title I wanted to see, mindlessly scrolling through my feed in a flu-induced haze
Just got the flu for the first time in my life, why youtube?
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處
I was JUST reading a paper about this possible lix - in relation to West Nile Virus and NDD's - and it referred back to the studies about Influenza and ESBV @.@ Then y'all post this! We are on the same brainwave!!! [And I was looking into it, after the video you guys posted about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome!]
My grandma got the flu shot every year. The last one she got caused an auto immune reaction that left her almost entirly paralized. All she could do was moan for the next two years until she passed.
3 independent doctors verified this is what happens and my grandfather is still stuck in legal battles because the state is acting like she was in poor health prior. (Once again 3 different doctors independently verified it was the shot.)
I haven't gotten one after that and i don't plan on it. Its kinda horrifying. I think it would be an interesting video sybject in general
This is just an anecdote, of course, but my grandmother got shingles (caused by varicella zoster virus) and seemingly straight after developed Alzheimer's disease.
This makes so much sense! As someone on year...?17? of "living" with ME/CFS I really hope they figure this stuff out quickly. If they can save my son(whose immune system seems very similar mine) from having to go down the same path as me I'll consider that a win. Thankfully he's already got more vaccines than were available to me growing up, and he's not being put through the trauma I was, but it's those epigenetic markers that have me worried.
Everybody gets the flu? Everybody gets mono? Everybody gets herpes? I've never had mono or herpes.
Take it from my sister: You can't get Alzheimer's if you've got sawdust for brains.
I am buying the causal lix. There is Prion disease, which were called "slow viruses" when they were first noticed. The pathology of the diseases are characterized by a build up of plaque in the brain. If memory serves, the plaque is simply a protein string that is folded in an unusual way. The question is how and why does a malformed protein string replicate itself. Viruses hijack a particular cell's replication mechanism. Protein string don't do that.
Thats like saying eating breakfast MAY cause car crashes ? (because many accidents happen in the morning, after people had breakfast)
Probably used to know this, but I had an outbreak of flu last week.
Honestly just reducing these deseases could be huge. I've loast a few people to them and they are such a hard way to loose someone.
Severe enough infections that can warrant a trip to the hospital where medications are administered. Weird that the possibility of an exposure to certain medications wasnt discussed as a possible cause
I...uh...never had mono. But I have MS. I also don't know if I've ever gotten the flu. If so, it would have been so far back into my childhood that I have no memory of it.
What a wonderful time to have a new head of the American HHS who is shutting down vaccine programs
Lol viruses dont "cause" them, it's a correlation because the viruses rely on our mitochondria. NDD's are caused by all the negative affects of faulty mitochondria. You're all at a much higher risk than you think.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處
I'm betting that we'll find a political correlation between conservative views and increased NDDs over the next few decades. They sure have taken up the mantle of vaccine rejection.
Please let me know if I just missed this! What if the people who are susceptible to severe infections are also just more susceptible to dementia and Alz? Eg: genetic predisposition to both conditions independently, or an autoimmune disease that could cause both more severe infection and also attack the brain.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處
I bet in some years they'll discover that the flu prevents NDDs.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處
I recall Dr Michael Greger stating there was a longer life connection amongst those who got flu shots. Makes sense.
我記得Michael Greger博士說過接種流感疫苗與長(zhǎng)壽存在關(guān)聯(lián),這么看來確實(shí)合理。
Just wait until they see what covid did to all of our brains. I have for sure had a deminished mental state since having covid the second time. My words dont come to me as they used to, and I stumble over words when speaking and listening now.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處
I now, very much regret not getting flu shots (since I am deathly afraid of needles) Then again its not like Ive actually been getting the flu, as far as I know I suppose Ill be changing that habit of not getting the shot
One must be able to afford health care before this means anything.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處
Just thinking out loud: could severe viral infections also be related to other chronic diseases like arthritis, RA, cataracts, diabetes?
why is this getting shown just right now as i have the flu the first time in ages.
The flu isn't a stomach virus. What people call the stomach flu can be viral gastroenteritis. Influenza is a whole body illness.
As someone who after COVID suddenly has new chronic conditions that have greatly impacted my quality of life (my esophagus no longer contracts when I eat for example), who also JUST had the flu for the first time, I regret watching this lmfaoooo such a fascinating topic though.
What if it was as simple as improving your microbiome? There is plenty of research to suggest that these flu viruses interrupt the microbiome(especially Covid). So instead of getting multiple vaccinations you just focused on restoring or endlessly improving the microbiome.
feeling really blessed right now to have a congenital heart defect which puts me on the free yearly flu shot list
Big pharma entered your feed. You're fine, people. Watch your diet.
i know vaccines don't cause autosm, but in the wild, infinitesimally small chance than it does, i'd rather be socially awkward and hyper fixated on star trek than have alzheimer's
Having suffered with the flu myself i was worried so i did a thousand page thesis on this very subject. I can't remember where i put it.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處
I understand that we do human trials before releasing it to the general public, but doesn't testing on rats not skew data between species? No medicine is a one size fits all. There's always outliers.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處
So don't get the flu. There are better ways to avoid the flu than to get a vaccine. At least for most people.
We don't know yet if the plaques are a cause or a result of these conditions and their symptoms, unless my info is out of date? Lots of people on autopsy have a f-tonne of amaloid plaques but no symptoms of Alzheimers or anything else
how about his hypothesis for connecting those seemingly unrelated facts. What if healthy people, which take care of themselves and their body, have a tendency of having less diseases, either flu or alzheimer's. and people which doesn't take proper case of their body and health will end up with more flu throughout their life and alzheimer's?
Getting neurodegenerative diseases is definitely the worst nightmare for me. If only we had effective measures to prevent infection - such as cheap and easily available masks. Oh no. (Plus, given the infection mode of SARS-CoV-2, you really also don't want LongCovid since even mild or asymptomatic infections can cause it, and even vaccination only reduces the risk but doesn't eliminate it.) Demand cleaner air.
Maybe people who bother to get vaccines also take other protective health precautions like Vigorous exercise and eat healthy foods.
I am definitely still dealing with an amount of brain fog about a week after the flu now. Hopefully that gets better over time.
There is a difference between things you get vaccinated for and you're all good, and things that require the majority of the population to get vaccinated for. The video didn't go into that at all, and at this point it doesn't seem like we'll be getting herd immunity on any new diseases going forward. FML
But? But? Didnt your President simply advise everyone to inject bleach?
THis is a great counter argument to those idiot anti vaxxers who think theyd rather just tough it out with viral infections
Problem is you need to get vaaxed every 3 months for covid. Hardly anyone is doing that. Vaccine only is a strategy but combine it with clean air, n95s and healthy life style massively reduces the risk
Herpes is not deadly, so that is why nobody ever bothered to find a vaccine or cure. That makes me angry. But perhaps it will be beneficial for society to actually work on a cure, now that there is a lix to deadly and costly diseases. I look forward to getting a cure.
A compromised immune system is more likely to get colds and flu's, as are people low in Vitamin D who aren't as active as they should be.
Luckily Ive never had the flu, or mono. Covid once, and Strep Throat 5 years in a row as a child. Hopefully I dont get some crazy NDD they name Rowellism from all my Strep, wish me luck
As a hypochondriac who suddonly has a bunch of actual, diagnosed issues after getting covid for the first time IN 2024.. i probably shouldnt watch this.
Thankfully I'm an oddity and almost never get the flu. It's been over a decade since I last had it. This is the only vax I don't need to get. I seem to be resistant to some virus. Colds are very mild.. It took the beginning of last year before I got covid for the first and only time. It was no worse than a cold. BUT now I'm extremely concerned we have idiots running the show AGAIN here in the States.
Flu isn't a disease! It's your body's response to a build up of toxins in your body, the flu is your bodies way of clearing out those toxins
as someone whose body was wrecked by the covid i caught in november of 2019, i sure hope not! i still cant breathe right and i have pots symptoms!
The 1917 flu did skew the population such that those remaining were older, that may be one way to skew results.
Another way is that some people may be more susceptible flu because they lack the genes that make them safe from neurodegenerative diseases.
Could be that other health influences like food, or clean water, or even the stress from a pandemic can make survivors more susceptible to the flu...
Lots of reasons why numbers can skew in favorable/dexerious ways...
I wish you had mentioned which HIV medication might treat ALS plaque. I contracted Mono because I had HIV. Because of my HIV treatment I am truly only concerned about developing MS due to contracting mono
It gives me a little bit of comfort, seeing as I get my routine vaccinations each year, that my brain won't fall apart. However, I do still have symptoms of long covid, the most prominent being executive dysfunction. So uh. Jury's still out I guess.
It's a good job that COVID doesn't cause NDDs then, seeing as almost everybody on the planet has had it.
But surely Americans are immune to Alzheimer what with their brains being mush already anyway.
Its really too bad vaccines are scary now to the uneducated halfwits that make up majority america otherwise we might be able to fix this
I'm very confused by the introduction. While Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and other types of dementia are, indeed, more common among the elderly, they have never been a consequence of aging. Decades of research suggests that these disorders can develop as a result of genetic predispositions, substance use/exposure, or having certain virus-triggered diseases.
If only we had a National Institute of Health that could fund research...
That part in the beginning about people assuming neurodegenerative diseases are a part of life reminds me of type 1 diabetes. Something that is often caused by the flu, but theres a pervasive myth that people are born with it. There are some rare genetic disorders that seem to cause type 1 but not nearly as much as flu infections.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處
what if its the other way around, people with high risk of alzheimer are more prone to having severe flu
Since some vaccines use a live deactivated virus and some use a dead virus, could there be a lix to the vaccines also contributing to this?
My brain has Alzheimer's from that cold last year i tell ya, they tested for everything but came back negative everywhere. I just told everyone in the family it was birdflu ?. But having a temp over 101 for six weeks is BULL S?
Oh boy, severe case of chicken pox, the vid and two severe bouts of flu and Ive had an essential tremor as long as I can remember. Seems the writing is on my wall