印度的根本問題在于人 - 來說服我
India’s Real Problems Are Its People—Change My Mind
1. We’re All Corrupt Hypocrites
We bribe traffic cops, pay under-the-table fees, and dodge taxes—but we cry about corruption in politics. You can’t complain about dirty hands when yours are covered in mud.
2. Fake Morality and Double Standards
We scream about “Indian values” but have the highest rates of domestic violence, rape, and dowry deaths. Our so-called culture is rotten with hypocrisy.
3. Education = Memorization, Not Intelligence
Our education system is a joke. Memorize, regurgitate, forget—repeat. No creativity, no critical thinking. We produce degrees, not minds.
4. Log Kya Kahenge: The Real Dream Killer
This toxic mentality is responsible for countless broken dreams and mental health issues. We care more about societal approval than happiness. What a sad way to live.
5. ‘Patriotism’ = Blind Nationalism
We mistake blind loyalty for patriotism. If someone criticizes the country, they’re “anti-national.” Loving your country means wanting it to improve, not worshipping it blindly.
6. Religion: Dividing More Than It Unites
Religion here isn’t about faith—it’s about identity, superiority, and moral policing. We kill in the name of gods we don’t even truly understand.
7. Casteism: The Stain We Pretend Doesn’t Exist
We claim to be modern but still judge people by their caste, even on dating apps. Newsflash: If you believe in caste, you’re part of the problem.
8. Victim Mentality and Excuse Culture
We love to complain but hate taking responsibility. Blame the government, the West, society, fate—everyone except ourselves.
9. No Civic Sense, No Shame
We spit, litter, and piss on roads without a second thought. We treat our public spaces like garbage bins. And then we cry about pollution and bad infrastructure.
10. Misogyny Is in Our DNA
We say we respect women but slut-shame, victim-blame, and obxtify them every chance we get. Your “Indian culture” isn’t as pure as you think.
"Yesterday I was smart and tried to change the world, Today I am wise so I try to change myself."
For clarification:I’m not saying every Indian is like this, but these issues are too widespread to ignore. If you love your country, prove it by being better.
It’s easy to point fingers, but change starts with us.
1. 我們都是虛偽的腐敗分子
2. 虛偽的道德與雙重標準
3. 教育 = 死記硬背,而非培養(yǎng)智慧
4. “別人會怎么說”(印地語,指過度擔心他人的看法或社會的評價,下同):真正的夢想殺手
5. “愛國主義” = 盲目的民族主義
6. 宗教:分裂多于團結
7. 種姓制度:我們假裝不存在的污點
9. 沒有公民意識,沒有羞恥心
10. 性別歧視刻在我們的DNA里
We bribe traffic cops, pay under-the-table fees, and dodge taxes—but we cry about corruption in politics. You can’t complain about dirty hands when yours are covered in mud.
2. Fake Morality and Double Standards
We scream about “Indian values” but have the highest rates of domestic violence, rape, and dowry deaths. Our so-called culture is rotten with hypocrisy.
3. Education = Memorization, Not Intelligence
Our education system is a joke. Memorize, regurgitate, forget—repeat. No creativity, no critical thinking. We produce degrees, not minds.
4. Log Kya Kahenge: The Real Dream Killer
This toxic mentality is responsible for countless broken dreams and mental health issues. We care more about societal approval than happiness. What a sad way to live.
5. ‘Patriotism’ = Blind Nationalism
We mistake blind loyalty for patriotism. If someone criticizes the country, they’re “anti-national.” Loving your country means wanting it to improve, not worshipping it blindly.
6. Religion: Dividing More Than It Unites
Religion here isn’t about faith—it’s about identity, superiority, and moral policing. We kill in the name of gods we don’t even truly understand.
7. Casteism: The Stain We Pretend Doesn’t Exist
We claim to be modern but still judge people by their caste, even on dating apps. Newsflash: If you believe in caste, you’re part of the problem.
8. Victim Mentality and Excuse Culture
We love to complain but hate taking responsibility. Blame the government, the West, society, fate—everyone except ourselves.
9. No Civic Sense, No Shame
We spit, litter, and piss on roads without a second thought. We treat our public spaces like garbage bins. And then we cry about pollution and bad infrastructure.
10. Misogyny Is in Our DNA
We say we respect women but slut-shame, victim-blame, and obxtify them every chance we get. Your “Indian culture” isn’t as pure as you think.
"Yesterday I was smart and tried to change the world, Today I am wise so I try to change myself."
For clarification:I’m not saying every Indian is like this, but these issues are too widespread to ignore. If you love your country, prove it by being better.
It’s easy to point fingers, but change starts with us.
1. 我們都是虛偽的腐敗分子
2. 虛偽的道德與雙重標準
3. 教育 = 死記硬背,而非培養(yǎng)智慧
4. “別人會怎么說”(印地語,指過度擔心他人的看法或社會的評價,下同):真正的夢想殺手
5. “愛國主義” = 盲目的民族主義
6. 宗教:分裂多于團結
7. 種姓制度:我們假裝不存在的污點
9. 沒有公民意識,沒有羞恥心
10. 性別歧視刻在我們的DNA里
很贊 ( 8 )
I said this in a post a few days ago. The core of it is 'you can't fix what you don't think is broken'. And much of the population is convinced much less is broken now then it was say 5 or 10 or 15 years ago. So don't think a lot of what you mentioned is anywhere close to being fixed or addressed.
That misogyny bit where you say “we say respect our women but we slut shame them”; this can be extended to nature as well. Take River Ganga for example, we worship her like a mother (Ganga Mata), but care less about keeping it clean. It’s only sentiments, no real respect. This the exact attitude to women as well; “Bahu ghar ki Lakshmi hai”, lekin she is subhuman in everyone’s eyes.
Indians definitely lack civic sense and I agree with the points mentioned in this post.
And the sheer number of them
Yes this mindset is the problem. But whats the solution? We are in a vicious cycle where the best strategy for the political parties is to use these things for their gain.Unless the leaders become more educated, stop abusing power, become more level headed and actually implement good practices themselves, we can't solve these issues.
Can we add gullibility to the list? Susceptibility to conspiracy theories/propaganda/pseudoscience/misinformation. Every time someone dies now, I am waiting for someone to blame the covid vaccine. Yesterday, one of my NRI cousins who has worked as a nurse in the US repeated the same nonsense.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網 http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
You have stated the obvious and i will state it too... i agree. And to add to all of that, we are a low iq nation and it shows.
People are sheep in this country. Politicians use this and encourage above behaviour for their own benefit. It is very hard to change people's mindset when there is no incentive to change, on the contrary you are supported, praised or even celebrated for some of those actions.Takes a lot of strength and courage to stand against the crowd even when you are right. Eventually you will be knocked down until you submit.I dont see a way out of this.
1.Adjusting Nature & Lack of Fighting spirit
Due to centuries of suppression in 1 way or another, Most Indian people have lost fighting spirit and created a Adjusting nature. Indian people will adjust to anything. Bad Law & Order, corruption, poor infra & govt services, unemployment, traffic, pollution. population explosion; whatever the problem is just adjust with it. DOnt fight it. People have seen the local lords, kings etc abusing their power for centuries. Women are taught to adjust with suppression & misogyny. People from lower castes have seen upper castes suppressing them for centuries. Most rebellions were either squashed or they got corrupted and the new power started to suppress people as well. THis has taught the people to just adjust with the problems instead of fighting to solve them. This creates secondary large problems like corruption, population, unemployment, poor govt system etc.
2. Lack of Discipline & efficiency.
We lack discipline (& civic sense) in most areas of life. This combined with lack of efficiency results in poor use of resources and wastefulness.
3. Lack of logical thinking
this results in clinging on to old traditions & values like caste system, poor treatment of women, children etc. Also results in resistance to R&D & innovation. clinging on to older leader in all fields. People are taught to be just keep their head down and keep walking with herd mentality instead of thinking for themselves.
4. Decay of Good value system:
Because of consumerism everyone is chasing money & short term gains. People are becoming prone to think about their own benefit mostly and not care about larger community & society.
1. 適應性強與缺乏斗爭精神
2. 缺乏紀律與效率
3. 缺乏邏輯思維
4. 良好價值觀的衰退
Casteism, Misogyny, Fake morality & double standards, religious divide ARE the system. And then, corporate welfare, working class exploitation & reactionary policies are also the system.
Not the first time I am reading such a thing.I 口 agree with what's written in the post. You hit the nail on the head so hard.Acceptance is the first step to finding the cure. Sadly, we Indians have become so indifferent and shameless, that we don't even want to accept where we are collectively wrong.A good example is, a scientific body claims that there is fecal bacteria (the one you find in 口) at kumbh waters, and is not fit for bathing, let alone drinking. People start trolling you and claiming that it's propaganda against religion and what not. How dumb is that? Illiteracy, and the inability to humbly accept what is true, is the root problem of this country, and all other problems grow out of that.
“Desam ante matti kaadhu, desam ante manushulu” is a popular quote in telugu.
It means a country is not just land and soil, a country is defined by its people
Well said . As I had read some where , in olden days when kingdoms were ruled by kings the population was reflection of the kings. In modern day democracy , the rulers(politicians) are reflection of the people who elect them. We as a society do not want to introspect and blame all our issues on others.
One major problem of India is actually people who can't even feed themselves have too many children.You even see homeless people having 5+ children. Many of them are result of rape as well.We need to create a shaming culture for people who cannot feed themselves yet have so many children
Main thing: we care about things we shouldn’t care about aka log kya kahenge, but don’t care about things we should care about aka cleanliness, pollution, education, etc.
Log Kya Kahenga : Most of the problems will be solved just by eliminating this. People especially the older generation really have this thing about submitting to society that they base their entire self worth and identity on it to the point of even sacrificing the well being of their own family. There is just no rationality and logic with this. Caste system, forced arranged marriages, religion, education system, expensive weddings, career etc. it's all to put up a face to society which in general is already brainwashed by influential powers like politicians, religious leaders and capitalism. It's like an entire clown show and no one realises how they're being played. So shallow and superficial. Another thing is how people instead of having their own self identity, make nationalism or religion or culture as the core of their identity which gives them a fragile ego, unable to critically think and grow as a person.