韓國真的是世界上“最抑郁”的國家嗎?| 街頭采訪
Is Korea Really the 'Most Depressed' Country in the World? | Street Interview
韓國真的是世界上“最抑郁”的國家嗎?| 街頭采訪
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韓國真的是世界上“最抑郁”的國家嗎?| 街頭采訪
Happiness is subjective. In our modern world, we often believe that comparison leads to growth, but in reality, it can steal our joy.
Something I noticed living in Korea is there's very little color. Almost everyone wears muted colors or white/black. The apartment forests are nearly all white. Cars are almost all black/white/gray. I felt depressed many times there and lack of color was a contributing factor IMO......except the food! Plenty of color there!
00:03:11 The same question if it was asked in a Buddhist country like Thailand the answer would be "totally different". Despite of history of Buddhism in Korea, surprisingly, Korean people shows almost no sign of Buddhist mentality. The Korean society is pretty much a Confucian society where everyone is occupied with climbing the social ladder. In Buddhist society, people see the social ladder as the thing that one can choose to either climb to the top, stop at some level that person feels comfortable or happy, or even doesn't climb it at all. All these choices will not be judged by other people. But in Confucian society, people tend to think only the people on the top of the ladder can be happy, where the rest are considered as losers.
I'm a foreigner living in Korea. Recently, I had a bad mental health episode. I went to my psychiatrist and told him I wanted to (unalive) and I hated myself. He laughed and said "so what? Are you from a third world village? Who doesn't feel like that? Just don't do k--- yourself. Take your meds and go. You're fine. You're normal."
And I was so frustrated by the sentiment because it felt like he wasn't listening to me when I really needed the help.
But it made me wonder if I'm also surrounded by people in Korea who just feel the same.
我是一名生活在韓國的外國人。最近,我經歷了一次嚴重的心理健康問題。我去看心理醫(yī)生,告訴他我想(自殺)并且討厭自己。他笑著說:“那又怎樣?你來自第三世界的村莊嗎?誰沒有這種感覺?別自殺了。吃藥然后走吧,你沒事,你很正常?!?br /> 這種態(tài)度讓我非常沮喪,因為在我真正需要幫助時,他好像沒有在聽我說話。
I was lucky that when I was in elementary school, I had a teacher who told us that there is no point comparing yourself with others and from that point on, I simply didn’t compare myself with others again (although sometimes it happens subconsciously and then I would consciously tell myself to not do that).
But I don’t think it may be that easy for everyone to do the same. I recently read I want to die but I want to eat Tteokbokki and the writer talked about how she couldn’t help but compare herself with others, despite knowing that she shouldn’t, and that’s one of the reasons why she was depressed. While it’s good that Koreans are becoming more aware of what causes their unhappiness and how to avoid it, I think it’s important to be able to seek professional help when you still find yourself struggling.
Happiness is an emotion. Depression is not about whether you're happy or not because you cannot sustain any emotion for long periods of time. The lady with the two sons who provide for her, she's a prime example of a content person. I just don't think we should equate an emotion with a mental illness. One, that can be misinterpreted whenever someone says they aren't happy. Two, being constantly happy is not the norm.
If mental health professionals are accessible in your country, please check in. One can “get used to” depression to the point they have it so long they don’t know how it is to feel different. One just mistaken sums it to sleep deprivation and everyday fatigue of commuting. Personally faced that and it took being put on a stretcher in front of coworkers to see that.
Just want to say- Never give up! You were born for a reason and no matter what, we have to push beyond our limits and honor those who have come before. Sadness and depression are temporary. I hope everyone is living to the fullest.
Unfortunately we live in a world where most people are depressed because they think they don't have enough money and the only cure is more money. Social media amplifies this. Be happy with what material possessions you have. Work harder to get more. But most importantly work harder on relationships and start a family. You'll realise that there is more to life than being depressed about money
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網 http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
These people have never felt how to live in my state in India. We don’t even have proper roads to travel and regular electricity. Sometimes power cut for 3 days or more. We don’t even have a single mobile tower in my village(1000 household village) and when electricity goes off, network also goes off. The last generation of my parents are almost farmers who grow own crops and sell vegetables or some domestic chickens or pigs when needed money. My mom sells organic garlic and cabbages grown by her and we could do our school bills.
One last word- We live so happily!!!! I cannot imagine these people not happy despite of having good clothes to wear and comfortable buildings to live in.
10:40 I have been living in Japan, and I am content in my small two room apartment. Whenever I visit family in the USA and talk to people in the States, they always talk about buying a huge house... like that is the dream.... I couldn't imagine the stress of furnishing and keeping a whole house and yard. Even the small house that my relatives have... they spend so much money and effort on it... For me... having a house isn't happiness but I think it really different for each person.
10:40 我生活在日本,我對我那兩室的小公寓感到滿足。每當我拜訪美國的家人并與那里的人交談時,他們總是談論買大房子……好像那是夢想……我無法想象裝修和維護整個房子和院子的壓力。即使是我親戚的小房子……他們也花費了大量的金錢和精力……對我來說……擁有房子并不是幸福,但我認為這對每個人來說真的不同。
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網 http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
I was deployed to the ROK DMZ in March 1974. I served at Camp Garry Owen in Yongjugol.
The young folks should see the change that my eyes see. I can't even recognize the place!
They have come so far! I wish they could see their nation through my eyes.
I feel honored to have played a small part in their story.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網 http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
As an American going through engineering in college, the smartest guy I knew was Korean. I thought he was amazing acing all the exams. To think being in Korea and so many other talented people are your competition, I can't imagine needing to be more than perfect to survive.
I know Korea and Japan are famous for their imbalanced work/life balance but after having traveled through Vietnam and Thailand I can tell you that in South East Asia things are even worse. People work 10 hours per day often 7 days per week. Ive met people who work 8-9 hours a day everyday with no free day for over a month and often difficult shifts or double shifts resulting in 70+ hour work weeks. They hate it but dont complain because it is expected to survive and people are happy with the jobs they have, be it in the countryside working on the land or in a hostel as a receptionist. Its a pretty tough life out there.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網 http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
You don't hear news about depression but you hear lots of news about unaliving oneself. This indicates that there isn't even a time of suffering or searching for help, it goes straight to unaliving
I would theorize that south korean individuals are more concerned about their futures in a highly competitive labor market, which they alleviate in korean bbq with soju, karaoke bars and restaurants amongst other things to do.
As a American i know a lot of young depressed people and I have two friends who have committed suicide. It is as bad or almost as bad in America. This is a global problem now. Our society are decaying morally because we aren't learning the most important thing is family and love. As corny as it sounds its important but most people idolize money, wealth and high level career. Don't be fouled by these things you should follow your hearts calling and spend more time with family and friends. If governments wants to fix it they should trying doubling people wages and reducing hours and promoting social evens where young people can meet other people in the company or have social events with other neighbor companies and have a sporting event.
It's easier to give advise or saying I am happy but it cant be helped if you are sad because life will become boring if you are happy only or sad only.If we really want to sustain in this society then we have to balanced both our emotion.
You should try doing this interview at a poor neighborhood too. Things should have been discussed ; How many hours Korean Highschool students sleep, how many people perform plastic surgeries, low birth rates.
I don't think it is just Korea, but all over the world people are suffering from depression. One thing is that Asians in general experience the pressure to always have to strive to be the "best." It is a disgrace or looked upon in my family and around my circle of friends and aquaintances if we aren't our best selves. Income, education, profession, socioeconomic status, etc... all matter. On the other hand, I myself would never have thought to suffer from depression, but I have been suffering from depression since eversince and even until now. It is the worst to the point I didn't want to live anymore. It is through prayers, that gave me hope but I am only human and there are moments when I get mentally affected. Being human is the hardest experience ever. I experienced trauma after a decision I made which forever affected me. People say don't worry about it because it is not a bad decision. I know it is not bad, but still I do feel bad. I can't get over it. In your life you will have to make tough decisions and at that point in time you need to be your bff, because trust me there will be people who thought would help you, but they won't. My decision had nothing to do with people, but until this day I get heart palpitations and depression just thinking about it because there were some better options. I realized that I myself can only save myself. I have friends, but I saw their true colors. One of my friend's advice was "your problem, your life." And she just ghosted me. I even saved her from suicide herself. I was also told by her I can't be considered depressed unless I was professionally diagnosed. How selfish of her to say that. To be honest a lot of people have gone undiagnosed with depression and incurable diseases even the healthiest people. You think they are okay, but they are not. They feel something but keep it to themselves for whatever reasons. I only asked for an advice and nothing else to stress her out. Also my blood uncle committed suicide, and I realized that too became a generational curse that I continue to see manifest within my immediate family, myself, and family bloodline years after his death. I am Catholic, so I do believe that what others do within the family will have some kind of effect on the family members. Even exorcists believe so. Mental illness is medical/health, genetics, life problems, pressure and high expectations, and also in my opinion spiritually related (curses, hexes, spells, diabolic possession, etc).
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網 http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
There definitely is a big issue with mental health not being taken into consideration as much. From what I understand, South Korea has an obsession with physical appearance in particular in regards to what others might think about them. While people are of school and university age, many are expected to focus only on studies and spend hours after school on studies; often to the point where people get so stressed and depressed about not living up to such and such expectations.
Then there's the expectation as an adult to have a certain job, certain salary, marry, have kids, buy a house, etc. Of course those things are good but they're not necessarily for everyone and in some instances it can be very difficult to get a certain job with a certain salary let alone finding someone compatible to marry and have kids with. When things are ideal of course many people would opt to do those things but in this day and age, the economy and job market makes a lot of these things very difficult. I understand that parents worry and they want their kids to do well in life, but if it's at the cost of someone's mental well being, no amount of accomplishments will mean much if said individual is not mentally satisfied with their life.
If I have to say anything, in general people need to understand and apply the concepts of work-life balance. You should never focus too much on just work, just school, just being able to buy things, etc. You also shouldn't worry too much about what others might think about you if you don't have such & such life style, appearance, etc. At the end of the day, the thing that matters most is how satisfied are you with your life situation, your job situation, etc.
In Singapore, pre-university students need to get BOTH good grades and good portfolio (extracurricular activities, volunteering, leadership service) to enter certain courses. This also puts a lot of pressure on the students to do well and everyone has more things to be obsessed about.
It makes me sad that as a culture they feel they need to struggle through things alone. I hope for a change for Korea where suicide rates are so high. I hope they can normalize getting counseling and therapy. Also medication if needed. I hope that it won't go on their work applications. I don't know how much info is put on Korean applications but I heard they're pretty intrusive. I just wish for them to feel free to get the care they need. Mental illness also includes depression etc... Mental health deserves importance. Don't fight alone please. Wishing everyone the best.
People often tend to equate Japan and South Korea on topics like this, but these two countries are completely different. First of all, regarding the suicide rate, according to a WHO survey, the current suicide rate in South Korea is literally one of the highest in the world and is nearly twice as high as Japan's suicide rate. Japan's suicide rate has been decreasing year by year and is currently lower than the suicide rate in the United States. And according to a survey of mental health morbidity rates in various countries, the percentage of Japanese people who suffer from mental health problems within a year is 18%, which is much lower than in the United States, 44% and the UK 39%. When you look at social media, you only see radical or biased news, but it seems like Japan is not that depressed.
While I appreciate this video’s efforts in raising awareness about mental health issues, particularly in Asia, I believe the last part deserves more focus. The thumbnail, though, is very clickbaity. I was eager to see how interviewees would respond to the question, ‘Are you depressed?’ or asked them if they know a close friend or a family member who is depressed. Their answers could reveal valuable insights into societal attitudes toward mental illness. If someone openly admits to being depressed, it could inspire others to overcome shame and stigma associated with mental health challenges.