Russia will never betray China – Lavrov

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Russia will never betray China – Lavrov
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
Moscow will honor all its commitments to Beijing, unlike the West in its promises to the USSR, the foreign minister has asserted
Russia deeply values its relationship with China and is committed to fulfilling all obligations to its partner, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said.
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原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
In an interview with US podcasters conducted in English released on Wednesday, Russia's top diplomat was asked to comment on claims that former President Joe Biden made a strategic blunder by pushing Russia closer to China, through Washington’s response to the Ukraine conflict.
“The Americans know that we would not betray our commitments, legal commitments, but also, you know, the political commitments which we develop with the Chinese,” the top diplomat assured. “We never had the relations with China which were that good, that confidential, that long-term build and that would be enjoying support of the peoples of both countries,” he said.
The interviewers suggested US President Donald Trump's approach replicates President Richard Nixon’s historic 1972 rapprochement with China that ensured a continuation of the Sino-Soviet split.
面試官指出,美國總統(tǒng)唐納德·特朗普的做法與理查德·尼克松總統(tǒng)在 1972 年與中國的歷史性和解相似,這一和解確保了中蘇關系的持續(xù)分裂。
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面試官指出,美國總統(tǒng)唐納德·特朗普的做法與理查德·尼克松總統(tǒng)在 1972 年與中國的歷史性和解相似,這一和解確保了中蘇關系的持續(xù)分裂。
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Current circumstances are “radically different” from those of the 1970s, Lavrov insisted.
拉夫羅夫堅稱,目前的情況與 1970 年代“完全不同”。
拉夫羅夫堅稱,目前的情況與 1970 年代“完全不同”。
He contrasted Moscow’s adherence to its promises with the West’s breach of assurances made to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not expand eastward.
“Now they say that there is no legal obligation not to expand NATO. Fine, if you can only implement your promise by court then of course you need legal obligations all over you,” the minister said. “But if you are a person of dignity, a man of dignity, if you agreed on something by political commitment you have to deliver.”
Russia regards NATO’s presence on its border and the pledge to grant Ukraine membership as crucial factors in the ongoing conflict. The Trump administration has suggested that swiftly resolving the fighting in Ukraine could open avenues for mutually beneficial cooperation with Moscow. Lavrov expressed hope that a sense of normalcy would be restored to US-Russian relations, allowing the two nations to resolve their differences peacefully.
很贊 ( 14 )
Russia betraying their lifeline would be idiotic. Its important to remember that this love affair between Putin and Trump will only last 4 years, and then it will be back to business as usual.
Putin is a smart man, he won’t do this
The working class will bring end of the oligarchic US. it’s coming
Russia and China are living examples of what true friendship between nations must look like. This is unlike the American approach with dagger in hand behind the back.
A good example for sure, but I think a better example would be Yemen, Lebanon, Iran and Gaza.
Iran and Gaza!?!
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Paul, – – – – absolutely right! Canada is the best friend and ally of US since forever yet Trump and, Maga regards Canada as an enemy. No sane world leader must trust USA for anything ever again. Trump behaves like a mobster who never wants friends and everyone is or will be a threat. Transactional Trump? Yes but even more – – Don, the Con is the greatest mobster in history.
保羅,——你說得完全正確!加拿大自古以來就是美國最好的朋友和盟友,但特朗普和 Maga 卻把加拿大視為敵人。沒有理智的世界領導人應該再信任美國。特朗普的行為就像一個從不想交朋友的黑幫分子,所有人現(xiàn)在或將來都可能成為威脅。交易型的特朗普?沒錯,但更重要的是——唐,騙子是歷史上最大的黑幫分子。
Russia know whom you can trust and who has been a lying country from the start of their existence.
Divide And Conquer – This has been the Guiding Principle of Empire Britain and today; America and American Exceptionalism. Their legacy is to pit countries against countries, neighbors against neighbors, friends against friends and brothers against brothers. It is this dirty little secret where they swoop in to pick up the broken pieces, now weaken and in chaos to loot, steal and plunder. It has made them rich and powerful. This is why with more countries becoming familiar with America’s deceit, Uncle Sanction is today desperately trying to find ways to reinvent this deception; albeit under different moniker. Watch what America do and not what America say, swore or promise.
First our game was to keep Russia and China distant! Then we inadvertently made them be the NEW leaders of an OLD world! And the US is on the outside looking in! A BRAVE NEW WORLD is being born! It is exhilarating! The US grew stale as a superpower and scared to give others a seat at the THRONE of the world. So, it had to be taken from the cry babies! Russia & China, a multipolar world! Awesome!
Which is not the case vice versa…….Asians are the masters in backstabbing!
Kaifeng Chinese jews.
get out of here
Not even a close second, compared to Americans.
It is about the people who are neighbors. that is the key points. They both wants a strong and prosperous neighbor so they can account on each other for whatever miseries.
China has been there for Russia in difficult times and Russian I am sure will honor that friendship
A promise is a promise.
Russia is a junior partner in relations to China. Putin should not put all his eggs in one basket.
Your mother should teach you how to suck eggs so you won’t be parroting this Junior Partner bilge like a Marco Rubio cum sucker.
?“But if you are a person of dignity, a man of dignity, if you agreed on something by political commitment you have to deliver.”
Remind me – what was the Chinese name for Vladivostok?
Just wait til they make a play on Siberia. Don’t trust either one. They backed Russia during the war with ukraine and soaked up as much cheap Russian energy as possible.
Russia, never never trust USA and its western puppets.
If the west get their way, they will destroy each, one by one. These days that’ll have to remain imperialists’ wet dream.
Better not but russia praising china enemy #1 trump too much??
?But if you are a person of dignity, a man of dignity, if you agreed on something by political commitment you have to deliver.” True, but Russia should know better that a pack of hyenas have more dignity than Western pack
Lavrov and Putin are wise men,
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
How dare they help Ukraine defend itself against an attacker!
The dragon will swallow the bear to gain his strength to devour the tiger before slaying the eagle.
Perfectly put
Russia better not betray China. China is not Nazi Germany and it will swallow US and Russia alone
Seriously? China will betray and did betray Russia and every other neighbor at a given chance. Let US give free ride , it will betray before you blx.
Seriously, did China betray your momma when she was trolling the streets looking for your daddies? Hell, China even ignored her when she was handing out one shot samples and freebies. So, why don’t you go back to raping women and underage gals which Indians like you are good at instead of spewing nonsense.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
Bots live life of shit in China. Raping is way common in China, not in India which has got free press. I have been to China lot many times. Don’t teach me shit abt your country. Shame on you buggers to reply anonymously. Ask your paxtani friends to rape your mom. They have been busy raping across continents.
Been to China lots of times? You must love having your mom raped then. Retard.
China and Russia should join forces and end US imperialism
Signals from US suggest Russia and China should improve relations further.
The relationship between Russia and China is very important to the rest of the World. NATO is a war monger organization that is a threat to everyone .
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
Don’t forget Iran.
it’s not China that worries me, but Iran.
The only way Russia will agree to a ceasefire would have had to already been made behind closed doors. I believe it’s going to be a standoff, and all this suspense! Without most realizing it’s a nuclear standoff without saying it out loud.
Its difficult to get friends these days. And Drumpf who calls himself Messiah, openly said He wants to divide Russia and its allies.
特朗普表示他將把俄羅斯與中國分開。這是一段難以割舍的兄弟情誼。– 商業(yè)內幕 [2024 年 11 月]
I want a dual Russian Federation & the Peoples Republic of China; robot only Luna moon base, with camera’s on robots able to be controlled by booked citizens time slots. The actual robots would be controlled by professional staff & planners or AI prehaps. So they can see what’s going on & take in the surroundings. Make it so!! Humans are to expensive to maintain frankly resource wise. Terraform structures & then see about making/growing food stocks.
China loves Russia as a strong partners we support each others no matter what
Russia and China north Korea Iran should seal a military pack attack one one is attack on all
That is already signed sealed and delivered.
Yep – more solid now than ever before.
Integrity… better than tegredy.
I′m not a sinophobe, but it is obvious that China wants to take Russian territories in the future.
對于一個擁有近 15 億人口的國家來說,面對一個面積是其兩倍、人口卻只有十分之一的鄰國,這是非常必要的。
Where do you get that ridiculous notion? If you want to talk ?diaspora? look no further than the Zionist cult. China has vast tracts of land with very low population density, a shrinking population brought about by the scrapping of old dictates and the increasing personal wealth of the people. National pride has reached incredible levels since *** took office and that pride is not focused on making enemies, it is focused on peace and protecting the nation from the aggressive Western nations that are under Zionist control. Before you talk about China, come here and live here.
Why is it not obvious to you that INDIA wants to take Russian territories in the future? Your logic is impaired?
But Donny wants to drive a wedge between Russia and China. United you stand, divided you fall.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處
I’m an American and I don’t believe none of the jew controlled government filth that Russia and China are our enemies. If there was war I do believe many would say fuck off you lying jews we’re not buying into your lies this time. God bless Russia and China and Iran too.
It’s very important to keep excellent relations with China. A military alliance would also be a good idea. Both China and Russia want peace.