原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:磨刀不誤砍柴工 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Boeing Co documents under review by a U.S. congressional panel appear to point to a "very disturbing" picture of commentary from the planemaker''s employees over the grounded 737 MAX aircraft, a congressional aide said on Tuesday.


The documents were submitted to the House of Representatives transportation infrastructure committee and the Federal Aviation Administration on Monday, the same day Boeing announced the firing of chief executive Dennis Muilenburg amid a crisis over the handling of the aftermath of two fatal crashes.


The best-selling 737 MAX has been grounded since March. The crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia within five months killed 346 people.

最暢銷(xiāo)的737 MAX自3月以來(lái)一直停飛,在5個(gè)月內(nèi)發(fā)生的印尼和埃塞俄比亞空難造成346人死亡。

"Similar to other records previously disclosed by Boeing, the records appear to point to a very disturbing picture of both concerns expressed by Boeing employees about the company’s commitment to safety and efforts by some employees" to make sure Boeing’s production plans were not disrupted, said the aide, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

這名不愿透露姓名的助手說(shuō),“與波音此前披露的其他檔案類(lèi)似,這些檔案似乎展示了一幅非常令人不安的畫(huà)面,員工們主要有兩個(gè)擔(dān)憂(yōu),對(duì)公司安全承諾的擔(dān)憂(yōu),以及某些人為確保波音的生產(chǎn)計(jì)劃不被打亂所做出的努力的擔(dān)憂(yōu)?!?br />

In October, Boeing turned over 2016 messages to the FAA between Forkner and another pilot that said he might have unintentionally misled the U.S. regulator and raised questions about the performance of a key safety system during testing.


Boeing had earlier turned over the documents to the Justice Department, which has an active criminal investigation underway into matters related to the 737 MAX plane.

波音公司早些時(shí)候已經(jīng)將這些文件交給了司法部,司法部正在對(duì)與波音737 MAX飛機(jī)有關(guān)的事件進(jìn)行積極的刑事調(diào)查。

Boeing is struggling to mend relations with U.S. and international regulators it needs to win over to get the jet back in the air.
Boeing shares, which have dropped more than 20% over the past nine months, closed down 1.3% to $333 on Tuesday.
