1m UK adults ‘go entire day without food’ in cost of living crisis
This article is more than 1 month old
Study finds one in 10 households report food insecurity while people with serious disabilities five times more at risk


A worker at a food bank in Peckham, London, prepares emergency food parcels.
A worker at a food bank in Peckham, London, prepares emergency food parcels. Photograph: Andy Rain/EPA
Patrick Butler Social policy editor
Mon 7 Feb 2022 14.20 GMT

作者:帕特里克·巴特勒 發(fā)表于衛(wèi)報
2022 年 2 月 7 日星期一

A million UK adults went an entire day without eating over the past month because they could not afford to put a meal on the table, according to research highlighting how the cost of living crisis has driven up food insecurity.


Soaring energy and grocery prices – along with the removal in October of the £20 Covid top-up to universal credit – were having a devastating impact on the food consumption of millions of people, the Food Foundation thinktank said.


More than one in five households said they have already faced a ”heat or eat” dilemma, cutting back on the quality or quantity of food to pay energy or other essential bills, while 59% of households fear the cost of living squeeze will leave them with less to spend on food in the future.

超過五分之一的家庭表示他們已經(jīng)面臨“取暖或吃飯”的兩難境地,不得不減少食物的質(zhì)量或數(shù)量以支付能源或其他基本費(fèi)用,而 59% 的家庭更擔(dān)心生活成本緊縮會讓他們未來能夠花在食物上的錢更少。
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

Altogether, nearly one in 10 UK households reported experiencing some degree of food insecurity over the past month – defined as skipping meals, going hungry or not eating for a whole day – because they were unable to afford food.


“There is little doubt that the cost of living crisis is putting very real pressure on the ability of many to afford a healthy diet and is set to widen health inequalities,” the foundation said.


Millions of households are under increasing financial pressures as a result of soaring energy bills and rising inflation. Gas and electricity bills will rise by an average of £700 a year from April, pitching 5m households into fuel poverty, despite measures introduced by the government to ease the strain.

由于能源費(fèi)用飆升和通脹上升,數(shù)以百萬計的家庭承受著越來越大的財務(wù)壓力。盡管政府采取了緩解壓力的措施,但天然氣和電費(fèi)預(yù)計仍將從今年四月份起平均每年增加 700 英鎊,這將導(dǎo)致 500萬戶家庭陷入能源困境。

Grocery bills have also risen sharply, up 3.8% in January and potentially adding an extra £180 a year to the average household’s grocery bill this year. The strain on low-income family budgets is reflected in soaring demand at food banks and cut-price food clubs.

日用品的賬單也在大幅上漲,一月份的上漲幅度為 3.8%,今年開始預(yù)計家庭日用品賬單平均每年可能會增加 180 英鎊。低收入家庭預(yù)算的壓力反映在了對食品銀行和降價食品商店的需求猛增上。

The anti-poverty campaigner Jack Monroe recently revealed how food price rises had pushed up the price of the cheapest 500g bag of pasta in her local supermarket from 29p to 70p (an increase of 141%), rice from 45p a kilo to £1 for 500g (344%), and baked beans from 22p to 32p (45%).

反貧困活動家杰克·門羅最近披露,食品價格上漲如何將當(dāng)?shù)爻兄凶畋阋说?500 克意大利面的價格從 29 便士推高至 70 便士(漲幅達(dá) 141%),大米從每公斤 45 便士漲至 1 英鎊500g (漲幅達(dá)344%),以及從22便士 漲到 32便士 (漲幅達(dá)45%) 的烘豆罐頭等等。

The Food Foundation survey was undertaken online between 18 and 20 January, polling 4,200 adults. It found 8.8% of all households, containing 4.7 million adults, reported that they had experienced food insecurity, up from 7.3% in July, when the last survey was undertaken.

食品基金會于 1 月 18 日至 20 日在網(wǎng)上發(fā)起訪問調(diào)查,對 4,200 名成年人進(jìn)行了調(diào)查。調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn),有 8.8% 的家庭(包括約 470 萬名成年人)報告說他們經(jīng)歷過食品不安全,高于去年七月份進(jìn)行最后一次調(diào)查時的數(shù)據(jù):7.3%。

About 2 million children were living in households that do not have access to a healthy and affordable diet, putting them at risk of diet-related diseases such as obesity, and poor physical growth, the foundation said.

該基金會表示,約有 200 萬兒童生活在無法獲得健康和負(fù)擔(dān)得起的飲食的家庭中,使他們面臨與飲食相關(guān)的疾病的風(fēng)險,例如肥胖和身體發(fā)育不良。

Some groups were more likely to have experienced food insecurity over the last six months than others. People with serious disability were five times more at risk than those without a disability. People on universal credit were five times more likely to be food insecure than those not claiming.

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

“The rapid escalation in disabled people experiencing food poverty is truly shocking. It is disabled people facing the biggest barriers to independence and inclusion that are in the worst situation; how can this possibly be acceptable?” asked Kamran Mallick, the chief executive of Disability Rights UK.

“遭受食品短缺殘疾人的迅速升級程度確實(shí)令人震驚。殘疾人在獨(dú)立和包容方面正在面臨最大的障礙,情況最糟糕,這怎么可以被接受?” 英國殘疾人權(quán)利組織的首席執(zhí)行官卡姆蘭·馬利克問道。

A Government spokesperson said: “We know this has been a challenging time for many people, which is why we’re providing support worth around £12bn this financial year and next to help households with the cost of living, including putting an average of £1,000 more per year into the pockets of working families, and we have announced a further £9bn to protect against the impact of rising global energy prices.

一位政府發(fā)言人說: “我們知道這對許多人來說是一個充滿挑戰(zhàn)的時期,這就是為什么我們在本財政年度和下一財政年度將提供價值約 120 億英鎊的支持,以幫助家庭降低生活成本,包括平均投入每年有 1,000 英鎊資金注入工薪階層家庭,我們還將宣布再追加 90 億英鎊,以抵御全球能源價格上漲的影響。
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

“Our £500m Household Support Fund is also giving more help to the most vulnerable with essential costs such as food this winter, and our holiday activities and food programme is providing healthy food and enriching activities to disadvantaged children during major school holidays.”

“我們 5 億英鎊的家庭支持基金也將于今年冬季為最弱勢群體提供更多幫助,包括食品等基本費(fèi)用,我們的假期活動和食品計劃將在主要學(xué)校假期期間為弱勢兒童群體提供健康食品和豐富的活動等?!?br />