So in this #AtmaNirbhar Bharat campaign let''s talk about the reality of Made in India Smartphones. And find out is it even possible to make a complete Smartphone in India? Do watch the video till the end. As it has many amazing facts and information which you need to know before buying a Made in India Smartphone.

因此,在這個(gè)AtmaNirbhar Bharatt(自力更生的印度)倡議活動(dòng)中,讓我們談?wù)動(dòng)《戎圃熘悄苁謾C(jī)的現(xiàn)實(shí)。并找出在印度制造一個(gè)完整的智能手機(jī)是否可能?因?yàn)樗性S多驚人的事實(shí)和信息,你需要在購買印度制造的智能手機(jī)之前知道。