India wants to be a manufacturing powerhouse yet they are severely lacking in skilled workforce, infrastructure
and don't even have the machine tools to be one. To make matter worse they can't turn to the west, because they are too expensive and...


2. already shipped most of their manufacturing to and had none manufacturing left to give to .
Meanwhile the is trying to re-industrialise you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see that wanting to become a manufacturer super power is not part of their plan...


3. at the same time want to be excluded from BRICS monetary system. The next thing will want is to build their shipping fleet to transport all the raw materials they'll need to make things a manufacturing powerhouse does how delusional...


4. Why would want the Yuan excluded when that's been their lifeline surviving Western sanctions. is the alternative for the world because they make the things that the West doesn't even make themselves anymore. That's why the west can't decouple with . Can say that?..

4. 為什么俄羅斯要把人民幣排除在外?明明這是他們在西方制裁中生存的生命線。中國是世界的另一個選擇,因為他們生產(chǎn)的東西西方甚至不再生產(chǎn)了。這就是西方無法與中國脫鉤的原因。印度可以這么說嗎?

5. The funniest thing is think they're the natural leader of the Global South, a title that doesn't even proclaim ?♀? In fact they are the extension of imperialism, their support to proved that beyond any doubt, Modi wants to be a manufacturing powerhouse, because..


6. greed and a lust for power, not for lifting poor indians out of poverty. They want out of the way, so that they don't have to compete. They want to become the leader of the Global South, so that lesser nations may submit to and their own imperial power. That's why...


7. policies are all over the place. They want to expand industries, but also want to exclude as much as possible the current largest manufacturing power on earth. When the was the largest industrial power on earth, still worked with them to build up its own...


8. Industrial power. So is already straying from the proven path to success. It also doesn't help that success story makes look really embarrassing. started out inheriting British tech, infrastructure and education The railway systems best sums up progress vs ...


9. In the 1950s, the railway network was more than double the length of rail network. Today, it is less than half the length of railway network with still zero operational HSR lines. When zoomed in to the micro level, trains and railways stations are far from...


10. the envy of countries in Asia. Just look at the Mumbai Station vs the humble Guiyang Station in 2024. is still struggling to build its first HSR line, while had already exported its own HSR technology. To say the gulf in progress is immense is an understatement...


11. Despite all this, the leaderships ego and jealousy is just too great, so they want to emulate success, but also want nothing to do with . They still want to treat as a pariah backwater country like North Korea. But reality is a b***h and knows deep...


12. down that it just cannot truly compete with . So they play their games to exclude from anything. They exclude themselves from the BRI and RCEP. They excluded China from their own "Voice of Global South Summit". They excluded from their own infrastructure plans...

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉載請注明出處

13. They are even trying to exclude in BRICS They just cannot stand , so they create their own fantasy world without a to make look better. Its still a fantasy, but they choose to live in it anyway ?♀? This is not a mentality of success, this is mentality of...

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉載請注明出處

14. Delusion. Sadly is truly cooked. Artificial intelligence and automation basically erased demographic dividend advantage of . It's too little too late for to compete. Had they worked with in the 2010s they might still have chance, but now it's far too late ?♀?
